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Is it possible to leave a voicemail via API?

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It would be used for a group voicemail distribution.

My original thought was to create a few extensions that would represent different distribution lists, and attach call flows with pivots, which would be hitting my app. When the extension number dialed, and voicemail saved into a dedicated mailbox, I would get a pivot post with the extension dialed and then match it to a distribution list and then re-upload the original audio attachment into the mailboxes on the list.

I am able to do everything up to the point of loading audio file into a vm mailbox. IS there an API call to make it happen?
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Any traction on accessing VMs from the API? I want to MOVE VMs from one box to another and link a VM message to a callflow. The latter for portal usage when the computer is not equipped with speakers. This way a user can select a VM from the web interface and listen via a click-to-call.
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