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Logging onto Monster

Step 1: Accessing Monster for the first time

Now that your Monster account has been activated, you can start building your business. To get started, please go to http://ui.zswitch.net/. Enter your username, password and account name.

Step 2: Adding Apps to Your Dashboard

After logging in, your Monster dashboard will be displayed along with the available Apps. The first time you access Monster, you’ll need to activate the Apps you want to use. Click on the App you are interested in using and turn it on. All of the Apps that have been turned on can be accessed when you click on the “Apps” icon on the top right corner of the UI.

Step 3: Smart PBX: Setup Your Office

The first App you should access is Smart PBX. This is where you can set up most of your phone system. In the Main Number tab, add a main number, choose an office hour strategy, choose how incoming calls are handled, customize your IVR and set up your main conference number. You can choose a number that is in the spare numbers, purchase a number or port a number.

Step 4: Editing Account Settings

To edit your account settings such as username, password and credit card information, click on the control center icon, the gear at the top left of the UI next to your name.

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