Resellers are often forced to market services under another company’s brand – not at 2600Hz! With the help of the 2600Hz Branding Manager app, you’ll be able to quickly white- label our solution and replace it with your own unique branding.
Your customers will recognize your name for the great services they receive, which ultimately boosts your reputation, retains current customers and attracts new ones.
Additionally, Branding Manager aims to give you the power and control over user visibility of emails, URLs, images, etc. to create a truly customized experience.
You can take advantage of features such as personalized logo/brand, customized email templates, and DNS configuration to help establish your own brand sleekly and conveniently.

Technical Specifications
General UI Branding
- Upload your Company Logo @ JPEG or PNG (maximum file size 192px by 62px)
- Upload your Icon (maximum file size 64px by 64px)
- Company Name
- Language (English/French)
- Company Website Link
- Help/Wiki Link
- Domain Name
- Terms and Conditions Link
- Realm Suffix
- Browser Tab Name
- E-mail Address for Call Reports
- Enable/Disable “Powered by 2600Hz”
- Enable/Disable Customer Welcome Message
- Load a Custom Welcome Message
Number Porting
- Submit port requests on behalf of customer
- Allow customers to request a port request
Carrier Choices
- Use Global Resources
- Bring Your Own Carrier
- Use Reseller Resources
Manage Account Templates
- CNAM Request
- Denied Emergency Bridge
- Low Balance
- New Account
- Top Up
- Transaction
Manage Faxing Templates
- Inbound Fax Error to Email
- Inbound Fat to Email
- Outbound Fax Error to Email
- Outbound Fax to Email
Manage Porting Templates
- Port Cancel
- Port Comment
- Port Rejected
- Port Request
- Port Scheduled
- Ported
Manage Registration Template
- Deregister
Manage System Template
- Admin Port Request
- System Alert
Manage User Template
- New User
- Password Recovery
Manage Voicemail Template
- Voicemail Full
- Voicemail to Email
Manage Webhook Template
- Webhook Auto-Disabled
DNS Helper
- Domain name you wish to white-label
- Configure DNS setup by Purpose/SubDomain/Record Type/Expected Record
- Data/Setup Properly