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Rick Guyton

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  1. Rick Guyton's post in Caller Id Changer was marked as the answer   
    Hi Tuly, I'm not sure I understand your question. But I think you are asking me why you have to use a pattern (feature code) instead in the call flow instead of a static number. If so, you don't have to actually. Consider this:
    Problem: When I call my my mom at 9095555507, I want to spoof my cellphone's caller ID (4805555516)
    Solution: Create a callflow in my account for the static number 9095555507 and point it to a pivot script https://api.telkit.tk/scid/4805555516.
    Now, when I call my mom, at 9095555507, my outbound call will hit my pivot script and my caller ID will change to my cell phone number 4805555516. But this is really limited. What if I want all of my family in so cal to see my cellphone caller ID when I call them? Not just my mom? If I stick to this method, I now have a few dozen call flows to make.
    New Problem: When I call anyone in the 909 area code,  I want to spoof my cellphone's caller ID (4805555516)
    Solution: Create a callflow in my account for the pattern ^909 and point it to a pivot script https://api.telkit.tk/scid/4805555516.
    Now, any time I call a number in the 909 area code, it will use my cell phone CID 4805555516. This is super powerful and some sales may love a tool that calls out using matching area codes. But, I'm using this for my family and my little sister, wife and daughter all live in AZ with me and have 480 area code numbers.
    New Problem: When I call anyone from my family, I want to spoof my cellphone's caller ID (4805555516)
    Solution: Well, I can't use area code based call flow anymore.. So I've either got to create callflows for each of my family's numbers. So, just make a feature code for calling out under my cellphone caller ID. Since I might want to call friends, ect with my cellphone number, I'll just make a feature code using the direction in the tutorial.
    You could do any of this and more... I'll share a really cool config I did for a client in just a minute that's totally out of the box in a minute. But, as you read through the scenarios, I think you'll see why the best practice is to simply setup a feature code. As people use features, their use cases for that feature grow and it'd suck to accommodate each problem as it grows if you were servicing a client.
    Ok, you didn't ask but I have to share this config just because I was astounded just how powerful the 2600hz platform can be.
    Problem: An enterprise client purchased a single building for two of their entities to use. On Mondays and Fridays, CompanyA will use the building and all at all other times, CompanyB will use it. Both companies need the phone system to operate using their numbers on their days. This is easy enough for inbound. But outbound calling is a tough nut to crack...
    Solution: Create a feature code (*80*) and point it to a time of day. On Monday and Friday, go to the pivot https://api.telkit.tk/scid/CompanyANum. And set all other times to go to https://api.telkit.tk/CompanyBNum. Then, I configure all phones in the building to prepend *80* to all 11 and 10 digit numbers. BOOM, time based dynamic caller ID and it is SOLID.
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