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Brian Sloan

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Posts posted by Brian Sloan

  1. Call center huh?!? Very sweet and makes me very happy to hear it... you guys rock :)

    Can you maybe keep the idea of Let's Encrypt auto generation in mind for later enhancement?  It would be fantastic to be able to do that right in the UI.  Cloudways has implemented it nicely (if you are looking for example lol)
  2. I need to do this as well for white labeling.  However, how do we generate the CSR?  The CSR has to be generated from the server correct?  So wouldn't you all have to generate it and send it to us so we can request a cert?  Also any change you all could implement Let's Encrypt SSL Certificates into the UI so we can just generate and deploy free ones right from the interface?  We use cloudways for website hosting and their interface makes it nice and easy to do... This would be a really good enhancement to Monster UI :)
  3. Really need a mobile version to manage on the go.  All sites should support mobile now :)

    Even with the formatting not right tho, I cannot login to monster from my cell phone.  I get an error.  Even tho it looks awful I can login the old UI from my cell phone.  Any plans to at least allow mobile access?  Thanks!
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