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Fadi Maz

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Everything posted by Fadi Maz

  1. I finaly make it works; Under SIP/Servers/ Registar host : my.realm:5060 Proxy host:     my.realm:5060 Outbound Proxy Host:  my proxy:5060
  2. I tried to configure a mediatrix 4102S to plug a Fax machine like this: Under SIP/Servers/ Registar host : my.proxy:5060 Proxy host:     my proxy:5060 Under SIP/AUTHENTIFICATION 1-ENDPOINT    PhoneFAX-1    Validate realm (enable)     realm (my.realm)     username (my.device)     password (my.device.password) Under SIP/REGISTRATION Phone-FAX1 username (my.device)     register (enable) I got Authentication Failed and from kamailio "ERROR: auth [auth_mod.c:735]: pv_auth_check(): invalid password value - empty content" I double checked the pasword and it is OK I don't know what I did wrong? Can anybody help me to solve this problem? many thanks
  3. Hello; I have a problem, when I use the phone to record Greeting message, I hear white noise at the end of the message. I used Audacity to remove the silent periode at the end, but I still hear it . I think it is a delay that Kazoo add (sound like noise) at the end of every message. my question is, is there any way to remove this delay? Regards;
  4. Thank you Rick; it works fine
  5. Hi Karl I don't have access to the content
  6. my client asked if there a way to disable time of day manually in the callflows. he has flexible hours and he wants to disable time of day when he wants.
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