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  1. Plau's post in VVX410 dials "10" when pressing star after parking was marked as the answer   
    Looks like it's an issue with the older firmwares. It's resolved in 5.9.2.
  2. Plau's post in New Polycom VVX 150 - 450 phones? was marked as the answer   
    Hi @pilot,
    The VVX350 and VVX450 were recently added to Provisioner, but it uses Polycom's firmwares for those phones. There are no plans to support the Obihai firmware versions for these phones at this time.
  3. Plau's post in Yealink RPS & Provisioner Integration was marked as the answer   
    I just tested adding a device on our production server and sandbox server and RPS still works. It no longer steals phones away from an existing RPS account.
  4. Plau's post in Updating Device Settings Stuck Indefinately was marked as the answer   
    Try resaving the device through the UI, I think I figured out the issue with the "Update device settings" being stuck.
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