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Posts posted by loganmurphy

  1. Thanks for weighing in Uzair. I am currently using the Kazoo hosted PBX, not implementing my own deployment of the Kazoo stack. That's why I don't have access to the metaflows module. I put in a support ticket on the issue, but there doesn't seem to be a way to configure this in the web UI. Any suggestions for implementing this feature in their web UI?


  2. Here's an update on my efforts. Using the example json from the documentation above, I was able to patch my account with the following data:

    u'data': {u'binding_digit': u'*',
               u'binding_key': u'*',
               u'numbers': {},
               u'patterns': {u'2(\\d+)': {u'data': {u'captures': [u'no_match'],
                                                    u'moh': u'media_id',
                                                    u'takeback_dtmf': u'*1',
                                                    u'transfer_type': u'blind'},
                                          u'module': u'transfer'}}},

    As far as I understand it, I should be able to enter "*" followed by the digits of the extension that I wish to transfer to, but nothing seems to be happening.

  3. Hello everyone. I am having an issue that I hope I can get some help with. Currently, I have a few cell phones that I have provisioned with the Mobile Services app. The phones work perfectly for bot inbound and outbound calls, but I am unable to find a way to transfer calls like I have been on my desk phones and soft phones. I have looked into the documentation, but haven't been able to find anything helpful yet. For context, I am using the Kazoo hosted PBX platform, not running my own deployment of the Kazoo stack. The only thing I have been able to find that references this issue is "metaflows" in the documentation here:



    But I have been unable to find a clear explanation of how to set a new "metaflow" with either the API or the Advanced Callflow application interface. I have a client that has ordered a bunch of these phones and I need to get this figured out ASAP, so any help at all is appreciated. Thanks in advance!


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