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Everything posted by ming

  1. ok ok. The exact payload seems missing an opening and two closing brackets. I used this payload and was able to load by a super duper account. $ cat media3.json {"data": { "name": "Test menu 2", "record_pin": "1234", "retries": 3, "suppress_media": false, "timeout": 10000, "interdigit_timeout": 2000, "max_extension_length": 4, "allow_record_from_offnet": true, "hunt": true, "media": { "exit_media": true, "greeting": "someformofid", "invalid_media": true, "transfer_media": true }}} -- $ curl -X PUT -d@media3.json -H "X-Auth-Token: $AUTH_TOKEN" http://localhost:8000/v2/media | python -mjson.tool ^ which gives me success status code.
  2. Did you add account id in the url? Next time, it might be helpful to post the error message as well. thanks Here is the link to create a media file. I hope that helps. PUT /v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/media https://github.com/2600hz/kazoo/blob/master/applications/crossbar/doc/media.md#create-a-new-media-object-required-before-uploading-the-actual-media-data
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