Hi MC_,
We are able to resolve the metaflow issue by changing the routing key of metaflow and succesfull in receiving the put request and send to konami_listener queue.
But we are getting the below error in konami_listener function handle_metaflow.
sandbox 2600hz[28688]: |0000000000|Undefined:Undefined(emulator) Error in process <0.6148.0> on node 'kazoo_apps@sandbox.com' with exit value:#012{function_clause,[{kz_json,get_json_value,[<<"Custom-Channel-Vars">>,undefined,{[]}],[{file,"src/kz_json.erl"},{line,771}]},{kapps_call,from_json,2,[{file,"src/kapps_call.erl"},{line,439}]},{konami_listener,handle_metaflow,2,[{file,"src/konami_listener.erl"},{line,71}]}]}.
does the put request needs to have Custom-Channel-Vars also.
Below is the put request
Please have a look and let us know If any modifications are required.