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  1. Do you mean 3.20 is not supported by webhooks functionality or just by your's team technical support? Up until server relocation we had work webhooks outcome into other database. Upgrading isn't possible cause it used in production.
  2. Hi all. We have an old stage environment within CentOs6.6. There is the list of 2600's installed packages. It's a pity, but custom main repository is dead 😥 Lately this environment (VM) was removed to another host with another public ip. After that developer says that webhooks aren't work. I tried to install new rpm package from https://packages.2600hz.com/centos/6/stable/kazoo-application-webhooks/4.0/?C=M;O=A but got an error owing to my old kazoo-core version. How it possible to enable webhooks? Many thanks for you all.
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