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  1. Hello I'm using Kazoo and found some kind of issue. Usual calls from one device to another and outer calls are recorded from the start. Calls created using QuickCall module are also recorded, but 3-5 seconds from the start are missed. I've tried to tweak recording parameters, but it didn't help. Account call recording configuration: "call_recording": { "account": { "outbound": { "any": { "url": "...", "time_limit": 3600, "record_on_bridge": true, "record_on_answer": true, "format": "mp3", "enabled": true } }, "inbound": { "any": { "url": "...", "time_limit": 3600, "record_on_bridge": true, "record_on_answer": true, "format": "mp3", "enabled": true } } } } Thanks in advance
  2. I just made my first Monster UI app: Parking Lot. The app shows a graphical display of currently parked calls on the system (updated every 30 seconds), with caller information, and the slot where the call is parked. You can retrieve a call by clicking on the caller, or various other points on the parked call box. A quickcall will be initiated between your phone and the parked caller. When you rest on a parked call, the user who parked it is looked up and shown. You can click on their name/extension to be connected with them, on the device they used to park the call (you want to ask them questions about the caller they parked etc.) The application is available at GitHub: https://github.com/ruhnet/monster-ui-parkinglot No dependencies/external library requirements. GPLv3 License. Try it out and let me know what you think!
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