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Today's TWIL is another Polycom particularity, this time having to do with how calls are offered and their timeout behaviors. 

Polycom phones natively have a Call Offering Timeout of about 60 seconds.  This means that if a call is being offered to a Polycom phone and there is only a single INVITE sent, the Polycom phone itself send a 603 DECLINE after 60 seconds.

There is a scenario where this might cause some more insidious issues, which is if a Polycom device is part of a Ring Group and the ring timeout is set to be over 60 seconds, the Polycom device will disconnect after its own initial 60 second timeout described above. 

We are looking into the possibility of changing the Call Offering Timeout for Polycom phones via Advanced Provisioner, but we do have a work-around for this in the meantime, which would be to set your ring timeout on the group to be below that 60 second limit and have it ring that device more than once. 

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