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Posts posted by romana

  1. 5 hours ago, Jayachandra said:

    Here is the output for "sudo find / -name sup.escript",



    ok so the sup bash file is looking for /opt/kazoo/_rel/kazoo/lib/sup-4.3.56/priv/sup.escript

    and in doing so it first checks if folder /opt/kazoo/_rel/kazoo/ exists

    if it does it searches for lib/sup-*/priv/sup.escript inside it, just make sure there is no other sup folder inside the lib folder, it could also be some other issue with your os or disk,  but for a temporary fix, edit the symlinked sup file and change the last line from `lib/sup-*/priv/sup.escript` to `lib/sup-4.3.56/priv/sup.escript` and it should work.

  2. sorry for not checking the log clearly, mostly the issue is related to Erlang version. afaik your issue can you find the file sup.escript and tell us where it is located. the sup file which you symlinked, just calls bin/kazoo file with the location of sup.escript, can you output the value for `sudo find / -name sup.escript` which will tell us where the file is, the issue here is the file cannot be found and maybe the code is compiled somewhere else and you have old version of code without the sup.escript somewhere else, the sup bash file just looks for directories and if it exists it assumes the sup.escript file must be inside it. we can give you the exact answer based on the location of the file.

  3. If you wanna use wav file format then you can convert the audio to 8000hz as if you are using PCMU then the audio will again get converted to 8000hz, this will decrease the size of your file significantly or if you are open to the option of using mp3, that will also work, both of these reduce the size of your music on hold file. You can audacity to do both.

  4. You do not need to delete a device to change user just unassigned and assign the device to the new user. You only need to factory reset if the device is being changed from one account to the other, that is limitation due to provisioners url format. it would be good to have an option to change the url to http://p3.zswitch.net before deleting a device, but that's the best that you can do.

  5. While testing out provisioner i noticed that the configuration parameters are being using from an old guide - Yealink_SIP-T2_Series_T19P_T4_Series_IP_Phones_Auto_Provisioning_Guide


    which only mentions to use below parameters for T46G T48G

    phone_setting.backgrounds =

    wallpaper_upload.url =

    The provisioner is configured to use

    lcd_logo.url =

    for any other phones, but below devices also uses the T48G wallpaper parameters to setup the background logo. but do not support lcd logos.












    Could you anyone please confirm if the above is correct or please let me know if i am wrong somehow.

  6. 12 hours ago, Plau said:

    It's on my to-do list, but I haven't had time to work on it since it's lower on my priority list. I have an HT802 for testing. I think all the HT8xx ATAs operate roughly the same, just different number of ports.

    HT70x and HT80x all work on the same conf and parameters, there are some changes but essentially they are same, please let me know if you need any help with either of those, HT701 and HT801 are single port, HT702 and HT802 being dual port, the single ports can utilize the dual port configuration without any changes to it, so essentially one config should work on all four devices.

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