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Ken Rowland

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Everything posted by Ken Rowland

  1. @mc_ I'd like to get clarification on what appears to be confusion between what a CAV and Call variable element will do. When I add a CAV to a callflow and inspect the data sent in a channel_xx webhook event, there is a custom_application_variables object, but there is nothing there (in all legs of the call). A previous response in this thread seemed to indicate that those would appear in webhooks. Can you confirm what should happen? For a set call variable, it appears from the PR, that only if the key matches one of the two values in the code will it appear in the CDR summary from a GET cdrs call. Is this also the case? And will that value appear in a webhook event as well? For the PR mentioned above, what is the time frame for this to be available in the shared hosting platform? Thanks.
  2. @mc_ I believe I may have a clearer understanding of the PR now. It is for a set variable element, not cav. So, I believe that once in production, I can add my own set variable element and have the variable show up in the CDR without having to pull full details. Is this correct?
  3. The set_variables element data object is: "data": { "custom_application_vars": { "var_name": "var value" }, "export" : true } The documentation for the export flag states "When true the provided custom_application_vars are set on the channel and any channel bridged to it later" However, when placing this element prior to a ring_group, inspection of the outbound CDR legs to the members of the group show no difference whether export is set to true or false. I expected the variable to be present in the output legs. Is this broken?
  4. @mc_ I was trying to figure out what the PR listed above did. I was hopeful that there was macro expansion. We are on the hosted platform so I am not able to view logs. Can you tell me exactly what the PR does? And when will it be available on the hosted platform. Thanks
  5. I am looking for information on how the change in the referenced commit is useful. I can add a custom variable now with an indicator of a group name and retrieve it in the CDR. The change above seems to indicate that I can have the group ID automatically inserted as a custom variable. I have tried several combinations of key/value pairs and am not having success. I've tried the following pairs: "group_id" : "Group-Id" "group_id" : "{Group-Id}" I am placing the custom application variables element prior to the ring group element. Can anyone help with the values to use to get the group id into the CDRs? Thanks.
  6. I am referring to the list below. I looked at the accounts schema (which I should have done previously) and do see account and endpoint listed. The user schema does not have a similar sub objects for endpoint, only the call_recording object is listed. Do you know if recording at the user level is supported? And, do I need to list "any", "inbound" and "outbound" along with "any", "onnet" and "offnet", or should just using "any" cover all cases. Thanks. https://github.com/2600hz/kazoo/blob/master/applications/crossbar/priv/couchdb/schemas/call_recording.json https://github.com/2600hz/kazoo/blob/master/applications/crossbar/priv/couchdb/schemas/call_recording.parameters.json https://github.com/2600hz/kazoo/blob/master/applications/crossbar/priv/couchdb/schemas/call_recording.source.json
  7. @Karl Anderson I have looked at the schema references provided and am confused when relating to the example object you provided in your post. In the call_recording object you have "account" and "endpoint". These don't show up in the schema references. Can you explain? Is it sufficient to use "any" to cover both inbound and outbound and for onnet and offnet? Lastly, there is a flag I saw somewhere (wish I could remember) that only records answered calls (record_on_answer). Is this supported? I am trying to get this working by attaching the object to the user document. I am working on the hosted platform, Thanks.
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