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  1. I suspect you're using Polycom phones, and that's a limitation of the device itself. I know Grandstream allows 5 parties plus yourself for a total of 6 participants.
  2. Thanks for the answer Baze. This is a fairly standard voicemail feature for those of us coming from the traditional telephony side of things. It doesn't seem like it would be too difficult to build - but then again nothing seems difficult to me because I don't code, LOL.
  3. Does the voicemail system have the availability to play a greeting, record a message, play a greeting, record a message, etc. in a manner where we can ask a caller multiple questions, record each answer, then play it to a user in one single message? State your name: _____________ Provide your number:___________ Provide your address:___________ Name of Prescripton:____________ Milligram strength:______________ Dosage frequency:_____________ Pharmacy:____________________ The idea is to give the caller short, concise instructions rather than a list of 10 things the caller will likely forget, but to play them back in order to the user in a single, simple message.
  4. Is there a format where I can "learn" the ins and outs of Kazoo? I've used it some over the past several years but I'm not completely comfortable with it so I leave the vast majority of programming to our engineers. I'd like to become more familiar with it so I can be more self sufficient. Are there training courses online? So far I've only been told "You just have to get in and play with it to figure it out." I've done that, but would like to accelerate my learning without making mistakes. Any direction on this is appreciated.
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