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Posts posted by jes_tovar

  1. 11 minutes ago, Joseph Watson said:

    any idea what a script like that would look like. Honestly I am not support wonderful with couchdb. So any help would be fantastic

    i would suggest to check first on each monthly database for the account in couchdb and verify the objects corresponding to each recording are pointing to the old storage plan or any sort of reference to the old s3 bucket.   Then, the next step would be to jump into writing a python or any other language to connect to couchdb and change the value for each one of the files for each monthly database. 

    there are some sample scripts in the community scripts repo. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Joseph Watson said:

    The permissions are set fine. New recordings are going into the bucket, and we can access them via the API. Its any recordings we transferred from the old bucket over to the new bucket we have an issue with. I need to somehow update those records so they reflect the right bucket or something.

    There has to be a sup command to do this

    oh i gotcha, otherwise you can script it to go through each record in modb and update it with new storage plan id?

  3. On 9/25/2020 at 2:51 AM, Joseph Watson said:

    Hey there,

    I have a storage plan configured which points to an AWS bucket we configured for a customer. That customer now wants to host their own bucket which is fine. We transferred any recordings or files to the customer's bucket, but now when you try to access the files via the kazoo api, it fails. Do we need to "update" something somewhere since we change the bucket?



    Hi, Assuming the new bucket has been given read permissions from the Kazoo app server, then make sure that each file and folder in s3 has been moved and set with the right permissions as well.    It has happened to me in the past that i push a file to s3 without settings permissions to it and can't be read. 

    Test using AWS cli from kazoo app server


    Hi Kazte, 

    I am also in the same process at the moment , therefore I would like to know the answer for this question.   

    So far, I have managed to get service plans working in Kazoo 4.3 using the new services API documentation posted in  github/2600hz.. kazoo/core/kazoo_services 

    I also managed to add a couple of rate documents in ratedeck database and I can see the rate to be applied using SUP command. However, cdrs still don't show the call being rated.   For this part, I used https://docs.2600hz.com/sysadmin/doc/kazoo/call-rating


    Finally , Jonny5, after setting limits document for my test tenancy, installing kazoo-application-jonny5 and loading the application Jonny5, I still can't find the way to limit calls by balance run out, or any other type of limit.  For this bit, I am using this https://docs.2600hz.com/sysadmin/doc/whapp/jonny5/

    I hope we could share information and figure it out



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