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Guillermo Prado

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Everything posted by Guillermo Prado

  1. Thanks so much for your answer. Well, I'm still interested and want to test kazoo APIs and I will try to test it again.
  2. First of all, thank you for the quick answer. a few things: I have tried to use whitelabel, well the only way that I could install it was via crossbar: # cd /usr/src/kazoo/4.3/ # git clone https://github.com/OpenTelecom/monster-ui-whitelabel.git # cd /usr/src/kazoo/4.3/monster-ui-whitelabel/src/apps # mv whitelabel /var/www/html/monster-ui/apps/. # sup crossbar_maintenance init_app /var/www/html/monster-ui/apps/whitelabel https://xx.xx.xx.xx:8000/v2/ # sup crossbar_maintenance start_module cb_whitelabel But it doesn't work another problem with i18n Spanish language : Someone give me an answer and I try to apply, but it never works. finally, I give up and now I'm looking for a platform that supports a multi-tenant environment
  3. Hi, this is an issue with kazoo community, because the support is very poor and the documentation is outdated, I think is very hard to do something with kazoo
  4. Hi all, There is any way to enable call recording from the monster UI or smartPBX GUI .?? Thanks.
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