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Christian King

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  1. After a bit more research and digging into the kamailio-db-kazoo-5.0.4h-4.1.x86_64.rpm archive it appears that there is an executable /usr/bin/KazooDB which is just .. sqlite3? Maybe the question I really should be asking is what is the recommended configuration for the Kamailio database? In a cluster is this shared and potentially a single point of failure or can I set them up independently? I can't find any documentation on it, the cluster guide at https://docs.2600hz.com/sysadmin/doc/kazoo/cluster-guide/ doesn't mention it so I assume it's just using the sqlite3 database locally on each machine set up, is this correct? Sorry, for some reason I assumed the kazoo db connector was using couchdb for some reason, just trying to understand the pieces. If anyone can shed some light we'd appreciate it!
  2. We are working on building the last known good (4.3) branch with updated versions of dependencies (the last RPMs we can find for Kamailio from 2600hz are 5.0 from almost 7 years ago now). We've got almost everything running but we have run into a roadblock: the file in the kazoo-configs-kamailio project here: https://github.com/2600hz/kazoo-configs-kamailio/blob/4.3/kamailio/db_kazoo.cfg references a db_kazoo.so module (apparently to query Kazoo via AMQP?) We found an old thread from 2014 that talks about this module here: https://groups.google.com/g/2600hz-dev/c/c7gk5VTtWWM that references a repo https://github.com/2600hz/kazoo-kamailio that no longer exists but I found archives here: https://github.com/2600hz-archive/kazoo-kamailio. This appears to be the name of the original AMQP connector that was renamed but then from the RPMs it looks like there are two separate modules: https://packages.2600hz.com/centos/6/stable/kamailio-mirror/5.0.4h/ but we really need to be on a newer supported version of Kamailio (there have been numerous vulnerabilities reported in the published versions: https://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-list/vendor_id-15820/product_id-33634/Kamailio-Kamailio.html) There was another clue in this APK build script: https://github.com/lazedo/kamailio-docker-alpine/blob/master/APKBUILD but that points to https://github.com/2600hz/kamailio-db-kazoo/archive/0.1.2.tar.gz which is a project that no longer exists. This is where I currently am, wondering if this module is gone forever. Can anyone point me in the direction of the source for the db_kazoo.so module for Kamailio? I'm fine with it being a potentially outdated version that needs some love but I can't find anything as it stands. Thanks!
  3. We're a small company interested in the new app exchange platform and 5.0 in general. Looking forward to seeing more!
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