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  1. Soft transition from customers that are on office cloud based systems (with similar FromIP) and cloud based system to kazoo onprem. Some have more advanced SDK driven call control applications to then dial 4 digit dial across and in terms of migrations. CustA is on existing PBX but we are slowing added customer to kazoo so interim we do 4 digit dialing. Other PBX cluster systems without DID number to just dial xxx over a trunk like Mitel - Freepbx days but in this case its def different as anything and everything is DID driven. We did also do a customer and created fake DIDs 1xxx-xxx-xxxxt to insert/remove and auto assign but there is a headache in managing this way for each customer on xxxx did. It did work for 1 Customer. and not dynamic to any callflow (unless maybe we modify the insert) OR what if we modified FS directory and did a domain matching based and takes out the dynamicness of Kazoo. I did do a route you suggested a few years back with adding Device as IP Auth and it woks that way for cust1.kaz.com but when I add another customer from the same cloud Carrier. I Try to call from the same cloud system custb.domain.com to kazoo cluster cust2.kaz.com domain routing but it chooses that account with the device IP auth. We thought of doing fake IPs per customer to auth based but hard to find a viable solution. i thought trunkstore would do the trick or potentially modifying the function doc in the lookup_did /lookup_user_flags but that is way far beyond my scope. Or maybe we look at a kamailio front proxy to route different things but If there is something like this what would be it called to even consider a feature request for the PBX trunkstore config. Like me i thought sip domain based auth routing it would just work ext to ext dialing.
  2. Oh so if we have multiple customer on the Same FROM IP (tenant based cloud system) this wont work. will this be something on 5.x if it comes out to community. workaround i swapped the from header as the to domain also from domain. and put a X-Header in to process via a middle proxy agent box but that seems hacky but it works but hoping it could treat it like a pbx trunk 4digit dialing across.
  3. @mc_ Question on this (i have a multi-tenant PBX) that wants to route via cust2.kazoo.sip.com DNS name to multiple Tenants on kazoo cluster. If i add IP auth on 1 account it worked but now i have another tenant from same PBX and i need send the same 5200@cust2.kazoo.sip.com (the DNS FROM is different) but i think cause IP auth it all goes to 5200@cust1.kazoo.sip.com even though i called 5200@cust2.kazoo.sip.com is there a way to make it pure like PBX trunk send to 5200.cust2.kazoo.sip.com can it use DNS to route that . (4 digit dialing between PBX to kazoo) back in the past i did a add device / authentication IP auth (but this trunk has SIP based auth too so should it work that way> ?) would i be able to PATCH the connectivity API to inbound route like this ? { "servers": [ { "server_name": "pbxa.sip.telexxxx.com", "auth": { "auth_method": "username", "auth_user": "user93k92", "auth_realm": "pbxa.sip.telexxxx.com" }, "options": { "inbound_format": "domain", "enabled": true, "media_handling": "bypass", "force_outbound": false } } ] }
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