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  1. If a user has several devices assigned to it, for example a hotel, a room can have more than one device all associated with the same user who has an extension assigned to them, which is what they call. Each device is registered with a username and a password and as a The guest calls internationally and is billed later. But for example, now with a sophone on my cell phone and a hotel Wi-Fi, I know the credentials of that device, I can register and make a call. What I want to avoid is that for security there is only one device registered and if it can be limited by IP or by Mac, much better. In the part of the callflow where it says device there is the mac option and in the SIP part authentication by IP but it doesn't work for me
  2. Yes, check that but there is no way that if you are already registered and someone else tries to register you will get an error or limit the registration to an IP or Mac of the device. I am asking to avoid identity theft because if you know the username and password you can register and use the permissions it has to call
  3. How to limit multiple device registration in kazoo with the same device or limit device registration by IP or by Mac
  4. Good afternoon, I am trying to limit the amount of registration to a device to avoid fraud in kamailio, enable these ACL-ROLE roles RATE_LIMITER-ROLE When I try to register a device I get this logs in kamailio REGISTER:sec:2024/04/09_07_59_01 rate limits: 1 > -1)
  5. Good afternoon, I am using kazoo to host pbx in the cloud but I need to know if kazoo supports SIP messaging between internal devices. I enabled the message module in kamailio and the messages arrive but they are not routed, that is an example |msg|sending inbound message sms.inbound.onnet.1c683a699c8c40c497c59bf8f5364502 => {"Event-Category" : "sms", "Event-Name" : "inbound", "Call-ID" : "1c683a699c8c40c497c59bf8f5364502", "Message-ID" : "1c683a699c8c40c497c59bf8f5364502", "Route-Type" : "onnet", "Route-ID" : "kamailio%40prueba%2prueba%2Enet", "From" : "1000", "To" : "5000", "Body" : "aasasas", "Custom-SIP-Headers" : { "X-AUTH-IP" : "" , "X-AUTH-PORT" : "61694" , "X-AUTH-Token" : "ba151056b5abc9d574792ca680782d73@abd575504fb9ff00681875bceee3ddb8" , "X-ecallmgr_Account-ID" : "abd575504fb9ff00681875bceee3ddb8" , "X-ecallmgr_Authorizing-Type" : "device" , "X-ecallmgr_Authorizing-ID" : "ba151056b5abc9d574792ca680782d73" , "X-ecallmgr_Username" : "1000" , "X-ecallmgr_Realm" : "prueba1.prueba.net" , "X-ecallmgr_Account-Realm" : "prueba1.prueba.net" , "X-ecallmgr_Account-Name" : "Prueba" , "X-ecallmgr_Presence-ID" : "1000@prueba1.prueba.net" , "X-ecallmgr_Owner-ID" : "a41652aff952a2e9f4e176cae3c84f96" }, "Msg-ID" : "507b581b-b6a4-4d5b-9acc-d0a8d9ee1bc3"}
  6. How to add that route in Erlang VM, there is an example in the doc How do I add the Konami route in the Erlang VM, is there a tutorial?
  7. Hello, I installed kazoo via centos according to the documentation and everything worked well for me. I need to use konami for call transfer but when I give kazoo-applications status I don't get konami in the WhApps. I install konami manually from the kazoo repository and I run the command sup kapps_controller running_apps konami and I get that it is running but the transfer does not work and when I restart the server it disappears again
  8. Good morning, I want to start using kazoo in my company but my provider requires me to map the ISUP codes in the q.850 reason because hangup always gives Normal Clearing. In freeswitch that was fixed by passing the channel variable continue_on_fail to false and sip_ignore_remote_cause but I have seen that in ecallmgr it is forced to continue_on_fai to true, it puts the call in park and then hangs up so it is a normal hang up? How can you fix that?
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