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I have recently started to explore Kazoo for one of our official projects. Our goal is below 

  1. To make an Outbound call to the PSTN number using Flowroute as Carrier at Kazoo from a web app

  2. After answering  the call, run an IVR which instructions need to fetch from a web server using Pivot 

While trying to do a POC for this, first I was facing some difficulties due to the lack of specific documentation. Then I have started to communicate with the 2600hz developer forum and finally, I am able to meet my goal after applying suggestions from the forum. Now I am decided to document every step that I follow which may be helpful for others to implement the same flow.


The following tasks need to be done which I will describe in detail later

  1. Setup Flowroute as a resource in Kazoo

  2. Setup an extension in callflows that has a Pivot as the action

  3. Create a clicktocall endpoint that connects to the created extension in step 2

  4. Use created clicktocall endpoint in step 3 for making the PSTN call



I have used kazoo crossbar API to accomplish my task. Almost for every request to Crossbar API, an authentication credential is required. Crossbar provides a number of ways of authenticating a request. The most common way is to authenticate as a user and receive a token usable on subsequent requests. In this method, you provide the credentials of your user just for login and crossbar will generate an authentication token in response.

User credential  is the MD5 hash of USERNAME:PASSWORD. For generating MD5 of a text in terminal I have used md5sum (in Linux) or md5 (in macOS) as following where I assume john as USERNAME and 12345 is PASSWORD.

echo-n 'john:12345 | md5sum

Output : 82a2dc91686ec828a67152d45a5c5ef7


Then I have called user_auth API to get an authentication token. Details of user_auth API request is as below


URL : https://{SERVER}:8000/v2/user_auth

Method : PUT

Header : "Content-Type: application/json"

Request Body : 


   "data": {

       "credentials": "82a2dc91686ec828a67152d45a5c5ef7",

       "account_name": "YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME"


   "method": "[md5 | sha1]"


 Use your generated  MD5 output for the value of the credential and replace "YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME" with your actual Kazoo Account Name.

 If the request body is correct, then it will give below success response


    "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}",

    "data": {

        "account_id": "{ACCOUNT_ID}",

        "apps": [],

        "is_reseller": true,

        "language": "en-US",

        "owner_id": "{OWNER_ID}",

        "reseller_id": "{RESELLER_ID}"


    "node": "{API_NODE}",

    "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",

    "revision": "{REVISION}",

    "status": "success",

    "timestamp": "{TIMESTAMP}",

    "version": "{VERSION}",


Here{AUTH_TOKEN}, the authentication token, is a long list of characters that you need to use in future requests.


Step 1: Setup Flowroute as a resource in Kazoo


First, we need to add flowroute as a resource in the kazoo. There are two levels of resources, global (or system-wide), and per-account (or local). I have used local resources.


URL : http://{SERVER}:8000/v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/resources

*** Please replace {ACCOUNT_ID} with your actual ACCOUNT_ID

Method: PUT


   1 . "Content-Type: application/json"

  2 . “X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}"

*** Replace {AUTH_TOKEN} with the actual AUTH_TOKEN that you retrieved from user_auth API described in the above prerequisite section.


Request Body


   "data": {

       "name": "flowroute",

       "format_from_uri": true,

       "rules": [



       "flags": [



       "formatters": {

           "from": [{

               "regex": "\\+?1?(\\d{10})$",

               "direction": "outbound"






           "outbound_caller_id_number": [{

               "value": "YOUR_CALLER_ID_NUMBER"


           "outbound_caller_id_name": [{

               "value": "YOUR_CALLER_ID_NAME"



       "gateways": [{

           "caller_id_type": "external",

           "channel_selection": "ascending",

           "codecs": ["PCMU", "PCMA","OPUS"],

           "custom_sip_headers": {},

           "emergency": false,

           "enabled": true,

           "endpoint_type": "sip",

           "format_from_uri": true,

           "invite_format": "route",

           "password": "YOUR_FLOWROUTE_PASSWORD",

           "prefix": "YOUR_FLOWROUTE_TECH_PREFIX*",

           "progress_timeout": "30",

           "realm": "us-east-nj.sip.flowroute.com",

           "server": "us-east-nj.sip.flowroute.com",

           "skype_rr": false,

           "suffix": "",

           "username": "YOUR_FLOWROUTE_USER_NAME"





 *** Replace YOUR_FLOWROUTE_USER_NAME with your actual Flowroute user name

*** Replace YOUR_FLOWROUTE_PASSWORD with your actual Flowroute password

*** Replace YOUR_FLOWROUTE_TECH_PREFIX with your actual Flowroute Tech Prefix followed by *

*** Replace YOUR_CALLER_ID_NUMBER with your desired caller_id_number

*** Replace YOUR_CALLER_ID_NAME with your desired caller_id_name

*** If you use different Flowroute PoP other than “us-east-nj.sip.flowroute.com” then use your preferred PoP in “realm” and “server” fields.


Step 2: Setup an extension in callflows that has a Pivot as the action


URL : http://{SERVER}:8000/v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/callflows


*** Please replace {ACCOUNT_ID} with your actual ACCOUNT_ID

Method: PUT


   1 . "Content-Type: application/json"

  2 . “X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}"

*** Replace {AUTH_TOKEN} with the actual AUTH_TOKEN that you retrieved from user_auth API described in above prerequisite section.


Request Body


"data": {

"numbers": ["1"],

"flow": {

"data": {

"method": "GET",

"req_timeout": "60",

"req_format": "kazoo",

"voice_url": "YOUR_PIVOT_API_URL",

"debug": false


"module": "pivot"





*** Replace "YOUR_PIVOT_API_URL" with your actual pivot API URL.


Step 3: Create a clicktocall endpoint that connects to the created callflow of mentioned extension (value of numbers key in the request body) in step 2

Click-to-call allows you to create URLs that can be POSTed to with a phone number or SIP URI and create a phone call from the provided contact information to a destination you have pre-determined. I have created an clicktocall endpoint and connected it to the created extension in step 2


URL : http://{SERVER}:8000/v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/clicktocall

*** Please replace {ACCOUNT_ID}  with your actual ACCOUNT_ID

Method: PUT

Header : 

   1 . "Content-Type: application/json"

  2 . “X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}"

*** Replace {AUTH_TOKEN} with the actual AUTH_TOKEN that you retrieved from user_auth API described in above prerequisite section.


Request Body


   "data": {

       "name": "call_1",

       "auth_required": false,





 *** Replace YOUR_CALLER_ID_NUMBER with your desired caller_id_number





    "data": {

        "auth_required": false,

        "custom_application_vars": {},

        "extension": "{EXTENSION}",

        "id": "{C2C_ID}",

        "name": "{NAME}"


    "node": "{NODE_HASH}",

    "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",

    "revision": "{REVISION}",

    "status": "success",

    "timestamp": "{TIMESTAMP}",

    "version": "4.3.1"


 We will use this "{C2C_ID}" in step 4 to make the actual outbound call


 Step 4: Use created clicktocall endpoint in step 3 for making the PSTN call


URL : http://{SERVER}:8000/v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/clicktocall/{C2C_ID}/connect?contact={CONTACT}

*** Please replace {ACCOUNT_ID} with your actual ACCOUNT_ID , {C2C_ID} with the ID you got at step 3 and {CONTACT} with the PSTN number you want to call

For example, if you want to make a call at the number 12223334444 then your URL should be as below



Method: GET

Header : 

   1 . "Content-Type: application/json"

  2 . “X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}"


*** Replace {AUTH_TOKEN} with the actual AUTH_TOKEN that you retrieved from user_auth API described in the above prerequisite section.


You should receive a phone call now at the number you have called from your API and After answering the call, an IVR should be played whose callflow instructions will be fetched from your Pivot URL.



Great stuff, @Mehedi Hasan Tanim

When I asked you to document this so that other people could benefit, I did not expect you to start from the beginning with auth and the Flowroute setup, I just meant the part we covered about the click2call, but this is fantastic. Bravo for your contribution to the community; I'm sure others will benefit now. Good job!

  • 7 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/5/2022 at 2:09 AM, Jay White said:

Just one point, when creating the click 2 call, add "dial_first":"contact", so it should wait for the contact to answer the call.

Thanks for the information

On 7/29/2022 at 4:13 AM, RuhNet said:

@Jay WhiteThanks for taking the time to add that very useful info. Good to know!


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