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Hello all, in this edition of TWIL we'll be covering a peculiarity some of us may have encountered here or there in the course of our KAZOO experience, that being duplicate call recordings for a single call event. 

There is a behavior seen in which clients are noticing that multiple recordings for a single call are showing up wherever their call recordings are stored. Generally, the cause of this is the recording configuration, and can be attributed to the following two settings:

  • Call Recording enforced for an entire account.
    • Set for both inbound and outbound

This will result in duplicate recordings because recording is being forced for both the inbound and outbound directions. Therefore, it is expected to end up with two recordings since you would get one per direction of the call.

To remedy this:

  • Set your Call Recording config at the User level instead of Account level.

 This can be done in the Call Recording App:

  • Under Configuration, then Account, you can force recording settings for all Users rather than for the Account itself.
  • You can also set this individually for each User under the Users tab.
  • Alternatively, this can be configured in Smart PBX under the User’s settings



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