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Hey guys,

I have an issue with faxbox, and I suspect I may have caused it. I was trying to set more than one email recipient on the main company fax number, and the only way the UI would let me do that was through the callflows app. Needless to say this was a MAJOR mistake, since now outbound faxes (email to fax) keep failing. I receive the following system_notification errors via teletype email templates when trying to send an outbound fax (email to fax):

failed to move fax outbound document ~s from faxes database to account ~s modb

Here is a complete grep of the fax_id from syslog, set to debug, showing an attempt at outbound email to fax: https://pastebin.com/MVg76j2N

Here is a complete grep of the call_id from syslog, set to debug: https://pastebin.com/7Q3jE4Pg

And here is a Similarly, the console shows the following:

|9ff0b58cf1e1d12afc6a3c81fb7a98f6|fax_worker:396 (<0.30712.1>) error moving fax doc to modb : conflict

And finally in the FS cli I can see the following lines:

2017-09-28 01:09:30.924618 [DEBUG] kazoo_node.c:1319 Sent erlang message to kazoo_apps@apps01-east.domain.com <2.29242.1>
2017-09-28 01:09:30.924618 [DEBUG] kazoo_node.c:1235 Received erlang exit notice for kazoo_apps@apps01-east.domain.com <2.29242.1>
2017-09-28 01:09:30.924618 [ERR] mod_http_cache.c:1170 Received HTTP error 0 trying to fetch http://apps01-east.domain.com:30950/fax/717168268e5b55e57f206035d0598dbe.tiff
2017-09-28 01:09:30.924618 [DEBUG] mod_http_cache.c:659 Locked cache
2017-09-28 01:09:30.924618 [INFO] mod_http_cache.c:773 Failed to download URL http://apps01-east.domain.com:30950/fax/717168268e5b55e57f206035d0598dbe.tiff
2017-09-28 01:09:30.924618 [DEBUG] mod_http_cache.c:670 Unlocked cache
EXECUTE sofia/sipinterface_1/3057674899@ txfax()
2017-09-28 01:09:30.924618 [ERR] mod_spandsp_fax.c:1383 Fax TX filename not set.


Please note that inbound faxes work just fine. I receive the email with the PDF attachment.

I've tried creating a new sub-account and the same error occurs. I'm pulling my hair out with this one!

Can anyone suggest something for me to look into?

Thanks in advance!



thanks for the reply. all DB servers are in the local hosts file on each server in the cluster, and other servers are in public DNS. I have verified name resolution from all nodes, all is resolvable and PINGable.

This mornings' tests did not produce the error:

failed to move fax outbound document ~s from faxes database to account ~s modb

However faxing outbound still errors with: fax job timed out - negotiate

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