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  1. Thanks for the reply. I resolved modifying ecallmgr source code in order to force ring_ready to FS. Usually it's called when an user has multiple devices - I noticed that in that case, 180 is triggered, so I forced that code to be always executed.
  2. I tried to set it on the resource, but it doesn't work. Is there a way to force FS to execute ring_ready even with a single device?
  3. Hi guys, is there a date for the release of 4.3 as stable version for open source installations?
  4. Hey, thank for you replies, nice, so currently I should use API. Should I check by myself if a participant is a moderator before sending the API? I have a middleware that receives request and relay to Kazoo. I thought to check if participant is a moderator (loggedo through PIN moderator) and send the request to Kazoo only if so. Is this the best way in my case or am I missing something? what types of settings do you mean?
  5. Hello guys, I'm trying to understand more from conferences. I see that you can enter using a moderator pin and, if you do it, you will be a moderator in that conference (member_type = 'moderator' on conference_channel_vars). Ok, so: what can a moderator do? and how? I saw API for mute/kick and so on but that are not limited to moderators (I should use API restriction in that case or something similiar...) Is there the possibility to kick/mute/deaf/... someone through DTMF if I am moderator? And also can a non-moderator do these actions? Thanks in advance P.S. I'm using Kazoo 4.0
  6. I already have an account Thanks
  7. I'm trying to put a new feature request on tickets.2600hz.com but when I log in, system says that my email address does not have access to 2600hz.atlassian.net.
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