@mc_ Question on this (i have a multi-tenant PBX) that wants to route via cust2.kazoo.sip.com DNS name to multiple Tenants on kazoo cluster. If i add IP auth on 1 account it worked but now i have another tenant from same PBX and i need send the same 5200@cust2.kazoo.sip.com (the DNS FROM is different) but i think cause IP auth it all goes to 5200@cust1.kazoo.sip.com even though i called 5200@cust2.kazoo.sip.com
is there a way to make it pure like PBX trunk send to 5200.cust2.kazoo.sip.com can it use DNS to route that . (4 digit dialing between PBX to kazoo)
back in the past i did a add device / authentication IP auth (but this trunk has SIP based auth too so should it work that way> ?)
would i be able to PATCH the connectivity API to inbound route like this ?
"servers": [
"server_name": "pbxa.sip.telexxxx.com",
"auth": {
"auth_method": "username",
"auth_user": "user93k92",
"auth_realm": "pbxa.sip.telexxxx.com"
"options": {
"inbound_format": "domain",
"enabled": true,
"media_handling": "bypass",
"force_outbound": false