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  1. 2600HZ STEP GUIDE – CALL FLOW FEATURE CODES Within the Call Flows App, you will find the Feature Code set up. We highly recommend you do not change the default feature codes, but in the event they conflict with your numbering scheme, or at the insistence of the customer, we understand the need can arise. Below is an explanation of how to change them, as well as the explanation of each code. Click into the Advanced Callflows App and select Feature Codes You will see 4 sections: Call Forwarding, Hot-Desking, Miscellaneous, and Parking. All codes are automatically preceded by a “*” since the star is mandatory for a feature code. To disable any feature code from being used, simply uncheck the box to the right of the code. To change the code simply overwrite the existing number and click the Save button at the bottom of the page when finished. Call Forwarding Enable Call Forward – enables calls to be forwarded to another location Disable Call Forward – cancels any forwarding that has been set Toggle Call Forward – allows forwarding to be switched on or off to an extension or number Update Call Forward – updates the number for the forwarding Hot Desking (IDs must be configured in SmartPBX) Enable Hot Desking – allows calls to be brought to a device via the ID Disable Hot Desking – logs the user out of the device Toggle Hot Desking – allows hot desking to be turned on/off at one device Miscellaneous Check Voicemail – provides the option to designate the desired mailbox Check Voicemail (auto login) – if enabled, no password needs to be entered Direct to Voicemail – sends the call directly to the VM box Intercom – allows hands-free two-way communication (must be supported by the device) Privacy – blocks the outbound Caller ID Move Directed Ext Pickup Parking Park and Retrieve – user provides “parking spot” Valet – “parking spot” is automatically assigned/provided Retrieve – pulls parked call to where you are API Reference Docs docs.2600hz.com https://docs.2600hz.com/supported/applications/crossbar/doc/callflows/
  2. Hello everyone. I am having an issue that I hope I can get some help with. Currently, I have a few cell phones that I have provisioned with the Mobile Services app. The phones work perfectly for bot inbound and outbound calls, but I am unable to find a way to transfer calls like I have been on my desk phones and soft phones. I have looked into the documentation, but haven't been able to find anything helpful yet. For context, I am using the Kazoo hosted PBX platform, not running my own deployment of the Kazoo stack. The only thing I have been able to find that references this issue is "metaflows" in the documentation here: https://docs.2600hz.com/dev/applications/konami/doc/transfer/#in-call-feature-codes But I have been unable to find a clear explanation of how to set a new "metaflow" with either the API or the Advanced Callflow application interface. I have a client that has ordered a bunch of these phones and I need to get this figured out ASAP, so any help at all is appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  3. 2600HZ STEP GUIDE – CALL FLOW FEATURE CODES Within the Call Flows App, you will find the Feature Code set up. We highly recommend you do not change the default feature codes, but in the event they conflict with your numbering scheme, or at the insistence of the customer, we understand the need can arise. Below is an explanation of how to change them, as well as the explanation of each code. Click into the Advanced Callflows App and select Feature Codes You will see 4 sections: Call Forwarding, Hot-Desking, Miscellaneous, and Parking. All codes are automatically preceded by a “*” since the star is mandatory for a feature code. To disable any feature code from being used, simply uncheck the box to the right of the code. To change the code simply overwrite the existing number and click the Save button at the bottom of the page when finished. Call Forwarding Enable Call Forward – enables calls to be forwarded to another location Disable Call Forward – cancels any forwarding that has been set Toggle Call Forward – allows forwarding to be switched on or off to an extension or number Update Call Forward – updates the number for the forwarding Hot Desking (IDs must be configured in SmartPBX) Enable Hot Desking – allows calls to be brought to a device via the ID Disable Hot Desking – logs the user out of the device Toggle Hot Desking – allows hot desking to be turned on/off at one device Miscellaneous Check Voicemail – provides the option to designate the desired mailbox Check Voicemail (auto login) – if enabled, no password needs to be entered Direct to Voicemail – sends the call directly to the VM box Intercom – allows hands-free two-way communication (must be supported by the device) Privacy – blocks the outbound Caller ID Move Directed Ext Pickup Parking Park and Retrieve – user provides “parking spot” Valet – “parking spot” is automatically assigned/provided Retrieve – pulls parked call to where you are API Reference Docs docs.2600hz.com https://docs.2600hz.com/supported/applications/crossbar/doc/callflows/ View full File
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