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Customer needs original caller id to transfer to recipient.  

Customer has decided to use the Bria 4 softphone and purchased a license
for all of their Sales team.  (During testing their call transfers they noticed that
when transferred, the CRM connector belonging to the extension which the
call is being transferred to, does NOT pick up on the original callers
number but rather the extension of the team member transferring the call)

Do you suggest a different method of transferring calls?

Basically we:
1. Establish a connection by picking up the call
2. Use the transfer button to call the sales rep we're going to be
transferring to, to alert him or her of the transfer.
3. Once the sales rep accepts the transfer, we click Transfer Now and the
call is then transferred to his line.

Problem is, it's transferred as coming from the other team members
extension rather than the keeping the original callers number.
Yes, the purchased Bria4 softphone client has both blind transfer and attended "call first" transfer.  I have tested and the blind transfer will show/keep caller id but the attended "call first" transfer caller id over rides the original caller id with the current caller id.
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