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I'm using the branding app and would like to know how to properly configure the "Realm Suffix."

My understanding has been, from prior branding, that it is preferred to have the realms created in this format: *s.yourdomain.xxx" The DNS helper even shows the MX and proxy fallback in that format. However, if you configure "s.yourdomain.xxx" as the Realm Suffix, the DNS helper shows the format as: *.s.s.yourdomain.xxx"  and all the A and CNAME records get an 's' inserted as well.

I ask what is correct, s.yourdomain.xxx or yourdomain.com for the Realm Suffix? 
as an update, in advanced callflows, creating a FaxBox auto creates the fax email as xxx.fax.zswitch.net. Using SmartPBX, FaxBox auto creates the fax email address using the realm. There is no way to configure what I want Monster to auto create for me.   

  • 2600Hz Employees
can you please file a JIRA ticket for that ? something like "as a reseller i want the branding app to customize the auto generated smtp address".
in between you can create a ticket in our help system to customize a reseller generated smtp address.
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