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Kristin Muramoto

2600Hz Employees
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Everything posted by Kristin Muramoto

  1. Hi Mike, For now, you will have to use the  Advanced Callflows App to add a company Directory but in the next release, the company Directory will be an option in the Virtual Receptionist area. 
  2. Hi Karl, You're correct, "Provider Settings" in Advanced Provisioner is how you'd set your customer-wide provisioner defaults. To set defaults for a specific account, use "Account Settings" located to the right of the Account name in Advanced Provisioner. The initial idea behind Provider and Account Settings were to expose the common settings across all phone make and models.   After reviewing this, I think it might be a great idea to add "Preferences", but would have to be internally discussed.  Would you mind posting this in the idea's section? Thanks again for all of your great questions and ideas! 
  3. Hi Karl, We agree this is confusing.  Can we ask what the 'Feature Keys' type is set to?  Is it set to Normal or Automata?
  4. Karl,  Thanks for confirming.  We're still working on improvements to the Number Manager in an upcoming release.
  5. We are still working on improving the Number Manager for purchasing/searching numbers. We are aware that the following currently do not work, but will in an upcoming release. 1. Vanity requests 2. Toll Free number purchase/lookup 3. Sequential number purchase/lookup
  6. Thanks again! This is indeed a typo.  We'll fix this soon.
  7. Thanks for letting us know!  We'll get this fixed soon.
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