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Everything posted by amn

  1. There is also the swagger.json file that can be used to import all the API's into PostMan. Don't see that be mentioned in that tutorial. That collection.json link seems to be a subset (?) of that.
  2. There is a monster developer app that works just fine. Not maintained though. There is one tiny fix needed that has never been merged. https://github.com/siplabs/monster-ui-apiexplorer/pull/6 I just use Postman now. Bit of a learning curve but anyone messing around with developer level stuff should not have problems. Just have to put in the time to learn it. It is NOT 'easy' as in "I like using iPhone/Mac because it's easy". It's easy as in "I develop cloud solutions in Erlang,PHP, Javascript and PostMan is easy".
  3. I don't know what else would cause problems to disappear by adding VPN other than throttling.
  4. You could certainly test the theory by adding a VPN.
  5. It is rumored that Comcast throttles SIP. I know I have seen some issues with Comcast on residential plans. Could just be that the Comcast network is getting congested in some areas at some times of the day too.
  6. There is a pull request to try get the ball rolling. Does 2600hz have any plans for this yet? https://github.com/2600hz/kazoo-configs-bigcouch/pull/5/files
  7. CouchDB v2.1 has been released. https://github.com/apache/couchdb/releases/tag/2.1.0 I believe there are official RPMs now as well. http://apache.bintray.com/couchdb-rpm/el7/x86_64/ Seems to work ok with Kazoo v4.1. Does it make sense to start including couchDB config, systemd, RPM etc. in the Kazoo RPMs? At least in the experimental branch.
  8. amn

    sup help

    Ok thanks. I was not aware of that feature. Most CLI tools have built in lists. Like if you type kamcmd help or kamctl you get a list of all the kamailio cmds
  9. amn

    sup help

    right now if you type sup -h you get Usage: sup [-?] [-n [<node>]] [-c [<cookie>]] [-t [<timeout>]] [-v] [<module>] [<function>] [args ...] -?, --help Show the program options -n, --node Node name [default: kazoo_apps] -c, --cookie Erlang cookie [default: change_me] -t, --timeout Command timeout [default: 0] -v, --verbose Be verbose <module> The name of the remote module <function> The name of the remote module's function It would sure be nice if it output all the sup commands. I generate them using the included script mkdir /usr/doc /opt/kazoo/lib/sup*/priv/build-autocomplete.escript \ /etc/bash_completion.d/sup.bash /opt/kazoo > /usr/doc/sup_commands There are about 800 of them. To shorten that up could maybe take an argument so if someone were to type in sup -h ecall it could show all the commands that start with sup ecallmgr etc. Maybe even autocomplete.
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