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Everything posted by teknogk

  1. Did someone say that officially or are you just speculating based on the fact they keep pushing back further and further?
  2. @mc_ Has there been any updated target dates discussed yet on this?
  3. Does anyone have an updated install plan for creating the multizone cluster on couchdb 2/3? Im having trouble understanding the placement and zoning options for couch, but would like to be running on a newer version when building a 4.3 cluster. Also can you post the discord invite again, it expired. id love to be able to help in anyway that i can.
  4. That is disappointing to hear, but not unexpected. As always James thank you for advocating for all of us!!!
  5. @mc_ Have we heard any internal updates on the 5.x open source release yet?
  6. Thats awesome work!!
  7. @mc_ we are approaching october, is there any updates to be had on the open source release of 5.x ?
  8. Where can we find more information about Added SBC auto-discovery and ACL updates?
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