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Posts posted by nick

  1. @krzykat is super right here. All projects I have been using or I have been involved are using this approach. It was surprising when Kazoo did make sharp turn with v5.  Their "jump right to it" argument also does not seems valid, when somebody release beta product actually they would love to see bunch of support requests so they can improve their product. Comparing with other projects, Kazoo is not getting such an amount of support requests from OSS community at all.

    Overall I think they are just looking for a reasons to "close" Kazoo. But would be more fair to community if they just say the real reason, which I think most of us already know and will be not surprised.

  2. Hi Emily,

    I am interested in billing part. Do you have such an app?

    Do you have an app where you can created/edit/delete service plans?

    Aside from that will be usfull if you give more practical examples in your docs, for example how to setup user with 2000 included minutes, everything above that to be billed at 1 cent per minute, international always to be billed.


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