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  1. Hi @tomas_ Not really, we managed this on the client side
  2. Well, we built a script to handle the stuck recordings under /tmp, will definitely give this a try! But how did you figure it out? Thanks mate
  3. Thank you @MattForrest, I solved it on the client side as I gave it to get it resolved on the backend side. I am going to test the above callflow to see if it works as I am still on Kazoo 4.3 Appreciated Yazan
  4. Hi All, I was reading on how to disable/enable call waiting for users, I found this article but I have no idea where should I add this to deactivate call waiting for a user. if someone can guide or show an example this would be much appreciated Thanks Yazan
  5. Hi All We are running kazoo version 4.3-126, we have the following call recording setting for our users to get the recording to be uploaded to an external storage, as below. Everything works just fine, however, sometimes, we encounter an issue that the recording is not being uploaded and we notice that freeswitch in this case has the following error in its logs, any idea what is wrong here? the strange thing is, it is working many times and only having an issue randomly, I would say it fails 2 times out of 5. 2020-10-23 21:08:58.814190 92.10% [ERR] kazoo_commands.c:395 Received HTTP error 0 trying to save /tmp/3cbfd6241913cda2317d50cda2a90938.mp3 to http://d0f0148eb2da5499:7586908d6b54a522@ecallmgr2.xxxxx.com: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%3D%3D/3cbfd6241913cda2317d50cda2a90938.mp3
  6. Hi @Alisa Can we install it on a community self-hosted version? If so, can you please explain how? Thanks in advance Yazan
  7. That would be amazing!
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