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Join us Tuesday, September 22nd at 9am PT/12pm ET for a webinar with 2600Hz and OneBill! From automated order provisioning to efficient billing, invoicing, and taxation, streamlining your billing operations can reduce your operational costs, eliminate manual errors, and maximize your revenue. 2600Hz and OneBill have created a seamless integration between their platforms to help you achieve an efficient billing process that ultimately enables you to enhance your customer experience. During this live webinar you will: — Learn about the integration between KAZOO and OneBill's billing and revenue management platform in depth — Discover the benefits of using OneBill's platform with KAZOO — See a live demo of the OneBill platform — And more Register today:
Hello everyone, I have kazoo version 4.3-12 and the calls are not being correctly billed. have created ratedeck { "_id": "IN-918708", "prefix": "918708", "weight": 50, "description": "INDIA STATES AND POI-REG", "direction": "outbound", "rate_name": "IN-91870", "iso_country_code": "IN", "pvt_rate_cost": 0.90001, "pvt_carrier": "default", "pvt_type": "rate", "rate_increment": 60, "rate_minimum": 60, "rate_cost": 0.90219, "routes": [ "^\\+91870(\\d*)$" ], "OPTIONS": [ ], "pvt_vsn": "1", "pvt_account_db": "ratedeck" } and running sup command sup hotornot_maintenance rates_for_did 918708 Candidates: RATE NAME | COST | INCREMENT | MINIMUM | SURCHARGE | WEIGHT | PREFIX | RATEDECK NAME | VERSION | IN-91870 | 0.9021 | 60 | 60 | 0.0 | 50 | 918708 | ratedeck | | no rates matched ok hotornot app is running but no per-minute rates logs in tail -f /var/log/kazoo/kazoo.log and also per-minute rates in cdrs Is am missing something?
Hi all, I'm having issues getting billing values when exporting a CDR, I am missing something, but can't work out what it is. I have created rates and a service plan, applied it to an account. I can confirm the account does rate the call; curl -v -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $AUTH_TOKEN" "http://localhost:8000/v2/accounts/THEACOUNTID/rates/number/0064123456789" | python -mjson.tool { "auth_token": "THETOKEN", "data": { "Base-Cost": 0.25, "E164-Number": "+64123456789", "Prefix": 64, "Rate": "2500", "Rate-Increment": 60, "Rate-Minimum": "60", "Rate-Name": "NZ-641", "Ratedeck-ID": "ratedeck", "Surcharge": "0" }, "node": "eLkcsM-rA51lUe1rEfAZFw", "request_id": "fffe0fb77cfc5988b6f61e9166ce7f59", "status": "success", "timestamp": "2018-05-31T03:00:13", "version": "4.2.34" } But when pulling the CDR, I get the rate of 0.0, a blank rate_name and call_type (using PHP and the SDK) $sub_id = "THEACOUNTID"; $cdrdata = $sdk->Account($sub_id)->Cdrs(); string(16) "List the Billing" {"id":"","call_id":"","caller_id_number":"9876543210","caller_id_name":"6423456789","callee_id_number":"+649876543210","callee_id_name":"NickHome","duration_seconds":"8","billing_seconds":"7","timestamp":"63694945755","hangup_cause":"NORMAL_CLEARING","other_leg_call_id":"","owner_id":"","to":"","from":"","direction":"inbound","request":"","authorizing_id":"","cost":"0","dialed_number":"+649876543210","calling_from":"9876543210","datetime":"2018-05-31 00:29:15","unix_timestamp":"1527726555","rfc_1036":"\"Thu, 31 May 2018 00:29:15 GMT\"","iso_8601":"\"2018-05-31\"","call_type":"","rate":"0.0","rate_name":"","bridge_id":"30077c5e4b188b3b1cb6cc6f06c7f0d5@","recording_url":"","media_recordings":[],"media_server":"","call_priority":"","reseller_cost":"0","reseller_call_type":""} Any help would greatly be appreciated Cheers, Nick.
I just started playing with Kazoo for about 2 weeks now but as great as the software is, without billing you are going no where. I have tried my hands on CGrates, it looks like there is alot of work to be done before it can work properly with Kazoo. While researching I came by ASTPP billing which is an opensource billing with all the functionalities you would need to run as a Voip provider but the problem is that, the only official documentation I found is how to integrate it with freeswitch and opensips but nothing on Kazoo, I am just wondering if anyone here has tried their hands on it. Your response would be highly appreciated. Thanks Beshel