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I have built the kazoo from the source.

When I'm performing command - kazoo-applications status it displays this:


Because of that, I can't use various functions of the kazoo.

Is there a way to activate whApps manually?


  • Administrators

Hard to say why the other apps aren't starting offhand. Consult the logs from startup.

You can manually start with 'sup kapps_controller start_app {APP_NAME}'


@mc Thanks for your help, 

I had to start all apps manually and now everything works good. Is there any command to start all available apps?

So, when performing command - "make release" inside kazoo's source directory, normal behaviour is that, all that apps will start automatically right?
@mc you mean kazoo logs located inside /var/log/kazoo/console.log file?

  • Administrators

If this is a new system, yes, KAZOO should initialize relevant databases and configure the default list of apps to start automatically.

You'll want to bump log level (typically syslog) in /etc/kazoo/core/config.ini to debug, then restart the VM and see what happens, why the default apps weren't started. Could be a temporary issue too (though I routinely reset my database cluster for dev and don't have issues with the default apps starting).


  • Administrators

If you built this from source, make sure all the deps/ built properly (should be listed in make/deps.mk). You can stop the release, do `make sparkly-clean compile build-dev-release` to clean everything out, fetch all deps, recompile everything, and build a development release. Then `make release` will start the dev release.

Other things to check are that you're compiling with the correct version of Erlang (see make/erlang_version).

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