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Calls to 503-Nxx-Nxxx phone number are having issues with people reaching them from phone numbers 313.Nxx.Nxxx | & 925-Nxx-Nxxx The callers get a "“This Line has been Disconnected” message.

I did a Twilio lookup on those numbers, and see that they are Comcast lines, but not in the local region of Portland. (one of them is in California, the other, Michigan, MI) 

I can dial from a Comcast analog line in Oregon and reach 503-Nxx-Nxxx just fine. I am thinking that this is a problem in other Comcast regions?

This is what I think is happening.

I think when the Port happened to the 2600hz hosted service, Comcast didn't clear that number from their "internal" nationwide list. And are routing the callers On-Net to the Oregon Comcast, which of course doesn't have that number anymore, and the caller gets a "this number has been disconnected" message.

Anyone have the time/resource to test this out? 

Got a meeting request with the customer to discuss my "Issue" next week, and would like confirmation, the proof would be even better! 



@Tuly Thanks for that. I went ahead and called Comcast (without getting my test/video proof) and they had the number remote call forwarded, so that screwed things up.


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