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Rick Guyton

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Posts posted by Rick Guyton

  1. Not if you ring the device itself.

    EDIT: Ugh, I'm being an idiot. I know what you mean now. Here's how you can do that. Make a NEW advanced call flow. Set it up to however you want. Then click the little pencil icon. (circled in Red) Name it, Then check "List this callflow..." (circled in Green). Then save your flow.

    Then, in Smart PBX, you should see your advanced call flow as an option. Just pick it.
  2. Darren: Ok, will do. Heck maybe I'll make it my first OS pull request. :) It's so cool to have time to do this stuff now.

    Karl: Yea, for us, many of our clients have call groups that span multiple locations. So it's kind of silly to forward calls just because one location is down. Also, we have some very large call groups and I couldn't imagine calls all forwarding just because someone is moving their phone or something.
  3. Will there be any additional add-on costs in 4.0?For instance, at kazoo-con I thought I heard someone say that call center light and web sockets would require an additional cost. I wasn't sure if that was just for the opens source people or if there would be an additional cost for the SAAS people too. ::fingers crossed for no::
  4. @Karl abut DYN: Yea, I like DNSMadeEasy, but they don't support NAPTR rescords last I checked. We were using them because they have that ANAME feature and we were using that thinking they cached the IP. Turns out not, if you use an ANAME on DNSMadeEasy, it'll stop resolving if the name you were pointing to stops resolving. Opps... So as soon as I'm done with this MikroTik golden config, I'l going to deploy brand new DNS with EasyDNS + GoogleDNS. 
  5. Yea, I'm really worried we are getting that report fatigue too. You can hear it in their voice when they call. And the wort part it I really don't know what to tell them. I'm starting to feel like a cat in a Skinner box swatting at every lever I can to make this issue stop...

    I think I'm going to try inputting IP addresses instead of host names for the SIP servers. Maybe that'll help? Ugh.
  6. I got confirmation from multiple 2600hz people that all of the main conference and engineering track info was recorded and will be released. I saw the cameras 3 of them actually and the record icon on all of them. So they have it for sure. Probably just need a bit to edit it all together. So I'll let you all watch that. It's a ton of info. But my big take aways are:

    Holy crap web sockets are awesome.

    So is the call center, conference, operator console and webRTC phone apps that are all fully functional in 4.0. Partially because they are all powered by web sockets and are theirfore all realtime.

    We can sell cellular service again. This time at wholesale rates! But there's a few qualifiers if you want to go now as opposed to a few weeks from now. Oh and Sprint doesn't really suck anymore and I figured out why.

    I'm about to take off. Im sure their are things I'm leaving out. I still have the agenda, I'll look at it a little later today and do my best to summarize the downstairs stuff I attended since it wasn't recorded.
  7. Lol, that would be maddening.

    Are you still stuck at the airport or are you using inflight wifi?

    What's with airbnb and discrimination? I have to admit as a middle aged white guy I don't get that much. I really never realized how much it still goes on until we adopted our daughter. Crazy how much more you get "random" security checks leaving Walmart... Ugh.

    Shoot me an email when you get in if you are up for a beer or something. Rick@getclarity.biz.

    Darren: thanks! At least there's a reason I guess. :)
  8. Ouch, both times I've come out I've hit a delay due to fog. You'd think they'd have that figured out by now. :)

    I'm staying near Portsmouth Square. It's less than a 10 min walk. Trying AirBnb for the first time. Little anxious about it. But I was anxious about Uber too. Kinda funny considering how into tech I am.
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