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Everything posted by Skunkbeard

  1. @DanH Can you share the fax adapter you are using? We have been using the Cisco ATA's and they work great but no real remote provisioning without some work and they have gotten pricey.
  2. Good to know! Thank you for this!
  3. Does anyone know of a company or service that integrates a customers account on kazoo to a property management system for hotels and hospitality? Or is a full service hospitality software suite that integrates with kazoo natively?
  4. Does anyone know how to set Comm.Land as the default app for the TEL: protocol? Or is that not a functionality the program has?
  5. In our number manager we have this little settings button next to the numbers and have messaging option. Selecting Messaging gives us the following option. I just wanted to verify if you had this option and make sure its not something simple.
  6. So this might be to simplistic and may have tried it. But if you go to the Number Manager App. Then Find the number you're trying to send SMS out of. Click the COG / Gear > Go to Messaging > Enable It
  7. Are you planning on creating your own SMS App or finding a white label?
  8. I'm guessing from post history you are running the open source platform. Depending on the carrier you are using and how much you have integrated the carrier to the platform. You are probably better off using the carrier API to do SMS. Are you on open source? Who is your carrier? Do you have SMS enabled with your carrier? Are you using a third party app for SMS or something you build?
  9. (This is for Polycom phones) This allows you to override or add features that the provisioner doesn't have built in. So you create a web URL with a directory you can save config as the MAC-web.cfg | For example www.YourURL.com/p/overrides/ Go to Advanced Provisioner > Find the device > Settings > Configure > Settings > Go down to Configuration Settings > Custom Overrides Directory URL> Paste your override url in the field www.YourURL.com/p/overrides/ > Save Then create an override file with the MAC of the phone example: 64167f000000-web.cfg I currently don't know of a way to add this URL to all devices on an account so you'll have to paste them in individually. (I think it can probably be done via the API. If there is another way please let me know. We plan to add this but its on a list of 100 other things to make since we moved to hosted) We chose to use the web config. But in your config file you use the code below . Then put the config settings into it between <OVERRIDES and />. Whatever you want to change based off the manufactures docs. Below is for Polycom Intercom. This changes the ring type when using *0XXXX. So their is an audible alert before connecting intercom. We had to do this since the current provisioner is lacking the ability. The default Intercom and Answer settings don't provide an audible (Well one loud enough to hear) short alert letting you know someone is connecting to you using the intercom. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <WEB_CONFIG> <OVERRIDES voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.1.class="ringAutoAnswer" voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.1.value="intercom" se.rt.ringAutoAnswer.ringer="ringer11" se.rt.ringAutoAnswer.timeout="500" se.rt.ringAutoAnswer.type="ring-answer" /> </WEB_CONFIG>
  10. TWIL: So we have a client who's outgoing number is being flagged as SPAM by their patients carriers. Need to use the following websites: Verzion: https://www.voicespamfeedback.com/vsf/ ATT and others: https://freecallerregistry.com/ Free Caller Registry also has these emails listed for contact: First Orion : FCRsupport@firstorion.com Hiya : freecallerregistry@hiya.com TNS : communications@tnsi.com
  11. Haha yeah sorry I just screenshotted that from the git for csv import customization.txt file. Just wanted to be sure before I started creating it. Thanks again for taking the time to help and answer my questions. Really appreciate it!
  12. Awesome thank you for the clarification! I just starting learning programming and the ins and outs kazoo so I apologize for my ignorance. I really appreciate the offer of the one off script. i will look into the JSON as that seems it will fit my needs. Is the below the JSON format its looking for on import?
  13. @DanH Yah! No worries! Thank you!
  14. Yah hidden options are always a fun find! Part of the enjoyment of exploring menus. Oh awesome I didn’t know about the opt 9! Ya! I’d love to hear more about the sysconfig. No rush I know you guys are busy making magic happen with all the new features. Been working on using the api to set defaults like VM FF and play oldest first. We are new hosted customers migrating all our customers. Being able to set defaults for options every user/device/menu have will save tons of time in setup over the course of migration and new customers.
  15. TWIL: Under Advanced Callflows > Voicemail > Select User> Advanced > Options. You can enable Fast-forward and rewind. Then to FF or RW while listing to a VM: 5 to Rewind and 8 to Fast Forward. Update: Opt 9: Calls customer back
  16. Hey I was poking around a bit and completed the bootcamp course. I think its a great start! I don't have any criticisms for it. One thing that would be nice would be able to designate someone as a manager and be able to send an enrollment email out to new hires and be able to track their progress, see where they had issues and then the manager can do additional training with them. but that's purely just a fluff add on.
  17. @DanH Ah I see ok I thought you guys were making a weekly post and we add to it. I was thinking that because I didn't see the orange button to create a new post.
  18. @DanH No it was more a my own TWIL for hang up explanations. I am still looking into what a dropped call might report if it does at all. I was more thinking out loud incase someone saw it and might have an answer to it. The links I got from a support ticket and a comment from MC in another thread on hang up reasons. Was just sharing them as I found them in my journey to figure out if dropped calls from packet loss report a different type of hang up cause.
  19. TWIL: The Hang up Types and causes. Still trying to figure out which one is reported when a call is dropped due to packet loss. But I found this help for researching call issues. https://freeswitch.org/confluence/display/FREESWITCH/Hangup+Cause+Code+Table https://docs.2600hz.com/kazoo_dev/applications/hangups/doc/README/ https://github.com/2600hz/kazoo/blob/24519b9af9792caa67f7c09bbb9d27e2418f7ad6/applications/crossbar/priv/couchdb/schemas/system_config.hangups.json https://github.com/2600hz/kazoo/blob/24519b9af9792caa67f7c09bbb9d27e2418f7ad6/applications/hangups/src/hangups_config.erl Also thank you for that info @DanH. Super helpful and good to know!
  20. So I know SIP ALG is the firewall setting. But when you specify TLS and Port 7000 are you referring to sip server settings on the device? Transport is set to TLS and Port default is 5060/0 changed to 7000?
  21. @Rick Definitely don't want to to give the support guys any more to do because we love how fast and detailed your responses are and don't want to mess with that. But I think your suggestion is great. Maybe could also throw in some of the more common questions you guys get too.
  22. I think the new system is great. It would be nice if you had a section in the PAID Client section where it posts the Question and Answer from support tickets of issues that are applicable to Hosted/GC/PC clients. (Just block out the names and person info) I'm sure there a tons of questions that are asked of support that many paid users are wondering and it would save us the client from having to submit a ticket if its answered there and save the time of the support agent from having to answer repetitive questions. As well as having some of the more specific questions that could be useful to all hosted/pc/gc clients.
  23. Yes it does thank you Emily! It might be nice for account admins to be able to masquerade as a user on their account to easily access missed calls or VM ect. Should an employee be out for the day and they want to check up on those things easily or for management purposes of making sure missed calls are being address as well as VM. So the account admin for the office and go and select a user and masquerade as them so their Comm.land app looks and operates as if they are that user if that makes sense? Not sure if a request like this would fall under the functionality of the Account Manager integration you are working on or not. Another thing that might be nice is the ability for the customer to pay towards international calling balance. Not sure in what capacity you are adding this feature if its just for Top level admins or if customer accounts will have access.
  24. Hey Emily, Is this just for Private Cloud and Global? Or is this for the hosted cloud with you guys as the carrier also?
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