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Posts posted by Rick

  1. @RSdev You are pulling the billing summary data for the top level account. You would need to pull the relevant data from the child accounts you are targeting. For example if you wanted to find how many devices account XYZ had, you'd want to do a GET on {ACCOUNT_ID}/devices. ref: https://docs.2600hz.com/supported/applications/crossbar/doc/devices/#fetch. If you have any more questions, please put in a support ticket via your client and we can help you there

  2. Hello welcome to the forums! You might find the developer docs more helpful https://docs.2600hz.com/supported/. Specifically on Users & Devices https://docs.2600hz.com/supported/applications/crossbar/doc/devices/ https://docs.2600hz.com/supported/applications/crossbar/doc/users/. Possibly on services API, https://docs.2600hz.com/supported/applications/crossbar/doc/services/#get-account-service . Sort of depends on what customer you are targeting exactly :)

  3. @Skunkbeard 💯Absolutely correct! This would make all users you imported on that CSV admins, suppress their device dereg notifications  and skip instructions and greetings on all their VM Boxes. IDK if think it's the smartest thing to make literally everyone you import admins. But... that's kinda power of KAZOO, you can if you want! 😀

  4. @Skunkbeard the sysconfig wouldn't set the default for you. It only enables it across a whole cluster. You already have it enabled. :) There's no real way to set it up as a default. BUT... if you use the CSV onbaord app, you can define extra JSON you'd like to apply to your NEW users/devices/voicemail boxes. So, you could just define it there. If you want to apply a setting across all your existing voicemails, ect, put in a ticket. I've got a little script I can run against your account to do that for you as a one-off



    Just in case any PC/GI/Open Source folks need it, the sys_config is under the callflows doc, voicemail.is_voicemail_ff_rw_enabled that needs to be true

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