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Posts posted by Rick

  1. Oh! Yea! The Poly had a weird config option on it where it played a ring tone when the BLF lit. So we thought the phone was ringing when it wasn't supposed to, but really it was just playing a ringtone when the BLF lit. And TLS fixed the issue, but only because it broke BLF. That was crazy! Made it seem for sure like LAN issues, but defiantly wasn't. It's in an old T(w)IL actually lol. I thought your BLF with TLS thing got resolved, can't find the old ticket though. That still a thing for you? I can go dig it out if so.

  2. So, to expand upon this a bit more, there's a few steps I'll personally take if I suspect LAN issues.


    First, I'll check to make sure that port 7000 is being used or not. If not, I'll switch the phone to using port 7000 as 5060 is very commonly caught by router's SIP ALG and as we all know, SIP ALG is universally TERRIBLE.

    If it persists after that, I'll enable TCP transport instead of UDP. There's some overhead that comes along with this, but it's not too terrible and it can resolve issues like UDP fragmentation.

    If it STILL persists after this, I'll try TLS. It's rare, but it is still possible for routers to determine that traffic on port 7000 is SIP traffic using deep packet analysis. TLS necessarily means TCP is being used. So it's sort of the nuclear option to make sure that there aren't any network config issue.

    If there's STILL a problem, I'll break out a network monitoring tool like PingPlotter to monitor the connection for packet loss/jitter. There are a few other tools that'll do this well too like Solarwinds NPM, MTR and a cool secret tool we are testing right now. (stay tuned on that one)

    There has been only ONE time that this procedure hasn't resolved the clients' issue without there being some major issue that was affecting large swaths of clients on a cluster. And that was a ticket from @Karl Stallknecht. I honestly can't remember what came of it though. Maybe he'll share? Think maybe it was an edge case in the code?

  3. Hello everyone! Every week the support team meets to share what they have learned. We call this the "This week I Learned" meeting or T(w)IL for short. The rules for this meeting inside 2600Hz are:

    1) Everyone needs to bring what THEY learned even if they think/know everyone else already knows

    2) Everyone needs to be supportive of others. Absolutely no "you didn't know that" junk

    3) Everyone has to keep learning new stuff

    In response to the community's request, we will be sharing the topics of these weekly meetings so that you all can stay up to speed with the latest and greatest developments in KAZOO from a support perspective. It is our hope that paired with the Kazoo Academy boot camp course, you all will have all the information you could possibly need at your fingertips.  We only ask that you please uphold the internal spirit of this meeting here in the community. And yes, that means we'd LOVE to hear what you learned this week too! And we promise everyone will be supportive of you as well. We will be tightly moderating this forum to be sure of it. 🙂

    I hope you all enjoy the content!

  4. On 6/20/2022 at 7:50 AM, Skunkbeard said:

    I think the new system is great. It would be nice if you had a section in the PAID Client section where it posts the Question and Answer from support tickets of issues that are applicable to Hosted/GC/PC clients. (Just block out the names and person info) I'm sure there a tons of questions that are asked of support that many paid users are wondering and it would save us the client from having to submit a ticket if its answered there and save the time of the support agent from having to answer repetitive questions. As well as having some of the more specific questions that could be useful to all hosted/pc/gc clients. 

    So this would be an insane level of work if we did it for all our tickets and the honest truth is that the vast majority of the tickets simply aren't applicable outside that particular client and often even outside that particular instance even. Though, most of @Skunkbeard's tickets would probably be useful for most. He asks really good questions TBH. 😀 So, with that all said, support has a "This week I learned" meeting T(w)IL every week. Basically everyone on support's expected to bring things they've learned pretty regularly to the group and share. There's only three rules:

    1) It has to be something THEY learned even if they think/know everyone else already knows

    2) Everyone needs to be supportive of others. Absolutely no "you didn't know that" junk

    3) Everyone has to keep learning new stuff

    As long as the community is good with keeping that spirit, I think this could be awesome. We don't have any "newbies" in support right now so all the topics are generally going to be pretty advanced. We've got two years of archives though. So, we could maybe do a public summary of the current and a past week and post them. Maybe round robin the task among the support team... Hmmm... Probably need the Support Manager's sign off. What think @Ryan?

  5. Well we are glad to hear from you! Sorry, not trying to force out lurkers. But we needed to do something about spammers hitting us hard :) Hope you are enjoying 2600Hz's products and the community!

  6. Hey, all, just FYI for anyone who see this, we are supporting T4xU devices again!

    @Logicwrath My apologies, this was not completed during this cycle. The concern here was that new T4xU phones were not able to be used for normal operation and there was no workaround available to get them working. This was because there were problems with the firmware shipping on new phones,  no firmwares available on Yealink's site for these phones and an issue where v85 firmware wouldn't downgrade to v84. This left clients with phones that were completely unusable. I'd very much appreciate it if you'd submit your other items as a feature request to our product board here.

    @RuhNet We had reports of calls dropping while completing a blind transfer. In some versions, is would only occur while using the DSS keys, in others it would occur on any blind transfer. We also had issues with Music on hold not playing. And finally, we had an issue where v85 firmware would not downgrade to v84 firmware.

    @esoare ping :) 

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