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  • 2600Hz Employees
Hi Everyone,
This notification is in regards to an upcoming upgrade to the 2600hz Hosted Cluster.

DATE(S): 28-AUG-2015 - 28-AUG-2015
LOCAL (PDT): FRIDAY, 28 AUG 17:00 - SATURDAY, 29 AUG 00:00
UTC: SATURDAY, 29 AUG 00:00 - SATURDAY, 29 AUG 05:00

Engineers will be upgrading all production hosted servers to Kazoo v3.21. In addition, some servers will be rebooted to fix minor configuration issues.  Any questions or concerns regarding this upgrade may be directed through your standard support channels.

Minimal (phones may become unregistered for 1-5 minutes, though voicemails will still be taken during that time) to no impact is expected. 2600Hz engineers will work closely with equipment system vendors and service providers to assure that the upgrade is non-intrusive. This activity is fully scripted and designed to be transparent to your operations.


Please check back on Monday for Release Notes on this upgrade. Thank you for being a valuable customer and we look forward to providing an amazing experience for you and your customers.
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