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Rick Guyton

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Everything posted by Rick Guyton

  1. I'm curious about this too. Darren mentioned he wanted us to start using the MonsterUI exclusively, and I want to be using it aswell. But because there's issues going back and forth between KazooUI and Monster and my clients still have to login via KazooUI, I'm forced to do all of my production work in KazooUI still. :(
  2. It would be nice to have API access to the Reseller Accounting tool. I know Darren commented that the Reseller tool simply accesses existing APIs and that's probably true. But, I'd bet there's a heck of a lot of API calls and logic applied. It'd be extremely convenient to be able to make a single API call and get a nicely formatted JSON back that I can use a tool like Zapier to auto-generate invoices into my quickbooks online.
  3. I just wanted to say that I love the new provisioner. I've been playing with it pretty much all day and I am so excited about being able to deploy this to all my clients. It is going to save me so much time it's ridiculous. 90 percent of my support time on this service is dedicated to walking clients through getting me remote access to their computers, then gaining web GUI access to the phones to modify one thing or another. now, I'll be able to just log into the provisioner make the change and ask the client to reboot their phone. WOOT!
  4. Correct, It'd be nice if BLF could be set account wide. Often, clients want all the same BLF keys across all the phones. In almost all scenarios, there are a few BLF keys that they want across all phones (Like the front desk, owner, manager, ect) then a few customizations on individual phones. Also, I just found out that on the T46G, all of the buttons are considered "BLF" buttons. So, I have to set BLF key 1 to "line" on every phone. (Pictures below so you know what I'm talking about there)
  5. Hi Michael,      You can see if the phones are registered in SmartPBX under Devices. Green = reged, Red = not.
  6. I'd be very helpful if "Line Keys" were available in the "account settings". Often, my clients will want the same BLF keys across all their phones. I'd be very nice if I could do this via account settings instead of setting each phones line settings through the advanced provisioner. That said, this is a hell of a lot better than logging into each phone and doing it through the WebGUI.
  7. Me Too :)
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