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Darren Schreiber

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Everything posted by Darren Schreiber

  1. Hi everyone,       As you've no doubt seen in your email, phase two begins TOMORROW in Santa Clara at 8pm Pacific! Please make sure you're ready.
  2. I don't know where this is going to fit on our roadmap, so it's not scheduled or spec'd. But it's a high demand item. Right now we want to get 4.0 out first.
  3. Yes. It does not "turn on" forwarding. The logic is as follows: Request to ring user -> Is call forwarding enabled? (No) -> Is phone registered? (No) -> Is failover flag set? (Yes) -> Ring Call-Forward Number
  4. For SIP phones, there is a hidden flag in the API that allows failing over to the call-forward number if a phone is not registered. I can see if we can expose this in the GUI. Basically, how it works is that any time a phone's SIP creds are looked up and there is no registration present, we instead utilize a bridge string that dials the "forward" number. This is tricky though - it's a flag to say basically "if no phone is registered, use the call-forward number instead". Which means it will use whatever number was last forwarded to, if the client plays with call forwarding. So, this would probably do what you want, as long as the customer doesn't randomly change their call-forwarding number. Also, the registration has to have expired. The easiest talk track to your client in this case is "your phone will failover if your internet is down within 360 seconds of the internet failing. It does take a few minutes for the failover to kick in."
  5. Probably UI I guess. They'll move it if it's wrong.
  6. We may have gotten sidetracked with all the bug reports that came in. There's nothing stopping you from searching JIRA first :-) If you don't find it there, it would be a fabulous help if you filed it.
  7. Not sure, do you want to file this as a feature request in JIRA? I still am not sure we will be able to do this anytime soon, we're trying to get ATAs added ATM.
  8. You've hit the nail on the head actually. That's the hard part, and why we didn't do it that way. The fields don't have relations and auto-updating ALL phones with a single change to one user is kind of risky.
  9. Just an update on this. The first phase of this migration was completed this weekend. Shout out to our new operations wizard, Derek, for handling all this and doing a bang-up job. Derek moved roughly 1,000 pounds of gear, re-wired over 200 cables, coordinated over four simultaneous vendor "cut-overs" and performed all the prep, testing and work afterward. He also upgraded the network environment to support more advanced VLAN capabilities (more about this soon) and GigE ports (more about this soon as well). Considering all that occurred, we had two firewall rules accidentally lost on server reboots and one faulty network switch cable. While this did cause some disruption today *sigh* it overall was not too shabby, Derek! The next round of datacenter equipment moves will be on May 27th. More details pending but please let your clients know as early as you can that maintenance will occur between the 27th and the 29th. This time, it will be in Santa Clara (west coast).
  10. It just shows you command lines, doesn't generate the cert for you.
  11. I can't find the one I liked, but something like this. https://csrgenerator.com/ Of course your key / request pair are now known by some other provider, but they're not horribly useful if they can't go get them signed. Honestly if you just Google "generate ssl csr online" you'll find a bunch of these things.
  12. Oops, that was the wrong link. Let me find the right one...
  13. CSR doesn't need to be requested by the hosting server, you can do it on any server. The CSR + CRT + KEY create the combination you need to load the cert on any server. It's just an OpenSSL generated cert in the end. Check out https://www.digicert.com/easy-csr/openssl.htm . We can't "recommend" this because there are security implications with using such a tool, but in my opinion they're minor and this is really easy :-) You'll get a certificate request that you can then submit to your provider. They'll keep you back a signed cert. You should end up with three files. You need to submit all of them together. We've debated the Let's Encrypt option. Too much to do right now with call center coming online, but we'll keep it in mind.
  14. Please do check status.2600hz.com - it has more updates. We'll be using that for a while until our own status tool is online and fully automated. Thanks for your patience!
  15. No need to adjust anything. We're able to re-route traffic after hitting the external switch and route the calls themselves to alternate media servers.
  16. This is a 2600hz issue. We have nice new shiny GigE switches in the new DC. They're redundant and stacked. All servers are racked with bonded cabling and we have multiple ISPs connecting into the core. There's literally only one component that could cause disruptions to the redundancy, and that's the cable that makes the switches redundant (plugs one switch into the other). And, of course, that's what failed... Murphy's law
  17. FYI, realtime updates are at http://status.2600hz.com/
  18. Awesome, I'm thrilled this was solved via this! Yaaay!
  19. But I guess I'm more asking, why not design the whole thing (Device, User, Callflow) in Advanced Callflows? The purpose of SmartPBX is for users who generally keep things simple - users w/ direct DIDs and extensions, a main IVR, and groups. That's it. If you're outside that realm (which it seems you are) then just manage the account inside Advanced Callflows.
  20. Yes, that is what I'm asking about. However, you should not mix & match SmartPBX and Advanced Callflows because you might break something. I'll have to check with the team on Monday to see if this particular modification has any risks. It might not.
  21. Have you tried using the Advanced Callflows app?
  22. Got it. The goal is really that Advanced Callflows are for callflows NOT created by SmartPBX. Though you are right, they should not show up in there anyway as editable if you created them in SmartPBX (unless you went into Kazoo UI and played with them first). The system tracks the last thing that "touched"/updated them. If it was SmartPBX then they should only be edited in SmartPBX.
  23. What are you calling "advanced PBX"?
  24. If you create something in SmartPBX you should only manage it in SmartPBX. You should not try to edit it in Advanced Callflow editor.
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