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Everything posted by mc_

  1. depends on your use case I guess, clients can have mobile devices with SIP clients on them, or softphones on their laptops as they travel.
  2. KAZOO only tracks the latest registration for a given credential, so the most recent one will be used for call routing.
  3. The situation was that marketing was done with Kazoocon and we didn't have official word that there'd be a 2024 Kazoocon, so they decommissioned the site. Word is, there will be a 2024 Kazoocon, so the site should be re-instated in the next day or two (whenever our ops team can turn it back up).
  4. You're correct that Kamailio interacts with KAZOO via AMQP, does not contact CouchDB, and does use sqlite for local storage stuff. Kamailio is part of the "cluster" because of the AMQP connection. I can't speak to the packaging issues though. The process to open sourcing Kazoo5 work continues to wind through the appropriate channels; should resolve so many of these issues. Apologies for the frustrations in the mean time.
  5. The KAZOO logs will probably be more helpful. Check that you're logging at debug level, place the call, then you can use the call ID to search the logs for what kazoo tried
  6. Checking on the site, shouldn't be down. Thanks for the alert
  7. @RuhNet definitely a private app that appears to have been exfiltrated. We know of someone (or someones) who had sandbox access that appear to have taken several private UI apps this way. The APIs are open for what the branding app does, but the UI code is not. I don't know what we can do about it but if you want to share any information privately, feel free to contact me and we can look into it.
  8. To be clear, it doesn't exist because this is quite possibly the first time in 13 years someone has actually wanted to use this in KAZOO. So, while your request might be widely accepted, in practice it does not seem to be widely desired within the KAZOO userbase (or folks just don't mention the lack of this feature as important). If this is a typical thing Teams will be doing, however, it could end up on our roadmap, as we do have the Teams integration now. Will pass along to our team managing that, thanks!
  9. That is not a supported way to dial, no. You could see about using the sleep and send_dtmf callflow actions via the channels API. In general, there aren't many ways to interact with an established b-leg via the callflow itself (most actions like user/device/resources will block in the action while the bridge is up, and only continue processing the callflow on SIP error).
  10. As stated, you can investigate Erlang's 'code' module for the add_patha/1 function or you can restart the VM and the path should be included automatically.
  11. When the Erlang VM starts up, it catalogues what code is present. It sounds like you added Konami to the file system after the VM was started, so the VM has no way of knowing about Konami. You can add the file path to Konami in the VM or you can restart the VM and Konami should be included in the file paths searched by the VM when a module is used.
  12. mc_


    I'm not sure if its configured there or not. You could try it out and see or email support to ask?
  13. mc_


    There is support for using open office to convert to PDF: https://docs.2600hz.com/dev/core/kazoo_convert/doc/fax_converter/#openoffice-compatible-to-pdf
  14. I'll be honest, no idea what you're talking about? When did Excel come into play here? Do you mean the CSV ratedeck you uploaded to Crossbar?
  15. This is controlled by the limits doc of the account: https://docs.2600hz.com/dev/applications/crossbar/doc/limits/
  16. In core/kazoo_speech, there are a couple ASR engines listed - Google, IBM, and iSpeech. I don't know how operational those are at the moment but worth looking into.
  17. Check in your `system_config/hotornot` doc, the `filter_list` key (or run `sup kapps_config get hotornot filter_list`) and see if there is an entry in that list for "caller_id_numbers". If not, you'll need to add it to the list of filter options
  18. If you want to have an existing PBX route through KAZOO, create it either using the "connectivity" API or as a "device". "Connectivity" configs use a backend service call trunkstore, most suitable for pure SIP trunking. If you want callflow features available before routing to/from your PBX, creating it as a "device" makes sense. The "ips" API is probably not what you want, in this case.
  19. Indeed, you have the "request_id" value now! Grep your logs to see what the server did and perhaps it will suggest what went wrong. Also, as an aside, it is generally advisable to strip things like the "auth_token" value. All to easy to accidentally leak access to a cluster that way.
  20. The response should have "request_id", the value of which you can use to check your server's logs (/var/log/kazoo/kazoo.log typically).
  21. All indications are that marketplace means open sourced 5.x from discussions I've had. On the technical side, we've demo'd working marketplace integration with clusters. The CPaaS team presented at Kazoocon and the roadmap sounds like a rollout of select partners listing their existing apps on the marketplace and select partners participating in purchasing/delivering apps via marketplace to their clusters is next. Q2 2024 was listed as possible general availability of marketplace to the broader community which should trigger opening access back up to KAZOO repos related to open source KAZOO apps. Its obviously been a whirlwind as much of the company found out about the acquisition at Kazoocon and we're just returning home to process, get onboarded into Ooma, etc. But I am encouraged by discussions that open source does remain on the roadmap and, with the bigger resources of Ooma coming to bear on all aspects of KAZOO and 2600Hz's goals, I'm personally excited to continue building KAZOO and the open-source community around it.
  22. I believe per-minute calls get a default deduction (regardless of rate) at the start of the call; if the call is rated and costs less, the account is credited back the difference. You should see logs from jonny5 (j5_* typically) talking about it (make sure you're at debug level)
  23. 1> UTC = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({{2023,8,31}, {2,43,00}}). 63860668980 2> Mel = kz_time:adjust_utc_timestamp(UTC, <<"Australia/Melbourne">>). 63860704980 3> calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(Mel). {{2023,8,31},{12,43,0}} It appears KAZOO at least knows what time it is in Melbourne. KAZOO typically gives the API response in UTC seconds so I would investigate the UI conversion.
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