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Posts posted by mc_

  1. I mean the RPMs aren't hosted by 2600Hz anymore, as far as I know anyway. Perhaps there's an archive somewhere.

    But more importantly, why can't you upgrade production? There are a myriad of reasons why you should be upgrading, chief among them security improvements. What limitations are you up against to upgrade off a 3+ year old version of KAZOO?

  2. Depends what you mean by "features" :)

    There are a lot of internal changes, optimizations, and improvements around:

    • Leveraging more FreeSWITCH functionality
    • Overriding default Erlang distribution mechanism with kz_dist - will improve cluster comms
    • Preparing for the breakening - effectively separating kazoo applications out into their own repos
      • Moving community apps like ACDc, Frontier, etc to a new Github org - kazoo-community
      • Will allow the community to drive the apps forward without blocking on 2600Hz review/merge
    • Per-app dependencies
      • Each Kazoo application can now incorporate dependencies without requiring all installations to fetch them
      • Will allow us to clean up deps/ with "common" dependencies and per-app individualized deps
    • /v3 of the API will begin; /v1 official deprecation

    If there's anything in particular you're interested in, let us know!

  3. `make xref` from the root directory will check that called modules exist and throw errors for mismatches. As for how to integrate that into Eclipse, I only know of Erlide that may help you with Erlang code.

    However, I question the renaming - you're setting yourself up for a lot of work to maintain your changes for minimal value (speaking personally). But if you're good with that, you do you :)

  4. Hi @enkp,

    You can read a summary of changes from 1.1 to 2.0 here: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/Revision-FAQ/

    The main bullets for why to upgrade from 1.1 are:

    • MPL 2.0 makes compliance simpler, both for you and for people who receive code from you.
    • MPL 2.0 provides patent protections for you and your contributors more in line with those of other open source licenses, and allows your entire community to protect any contributor if the contributor is sued.
    • Compatibility with Apache and GPL makes code reuse and redistribution easier for you and for the broader open source community.

    So just as we keep our dependencies updated, this is making sure our license stays updated to make it easier for everyone.

  5. As far as I know, sandbox is generally reserved for paying customers; ask your rep about access. If you aren't a customer of 2600Hz, you can email sales@2600hz.com about getting access, explain your interest, and they can determine whether to set you up with access.

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