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Posts posted by mc_

  1. "direction" tells you, relative the FreeSWITCH, how the call started. So "inbound" says the call started from the UA - the UA sent an INVITE "inbound" to FreeSWITCH. "outbound" would be FreeSWITCH sending the INVITE to the UA (device, carrier, whatever).


    Not sure on your recordings question other than look for the recording and storage related logs ("kz_att_s3" would be a good key in the log lines, for instance).

  2. @huwsc90 Its mostly in the form of JSON schemas for the payload formats. Most of the info will be in the source (which hopefully is readable for what you're wanting, even not knowing Erlang).

    For instance, a route request to setup a call involves the 'req' payload published to all bound queues, each of which will respond with a 'resp' payload if able. One 'resp' payload will "win" and receive a 'win' payload back on a direct queue.


    In there you'll see the 'req_definition' which will list the JSON keys (named headers) of the payload, the routing (and binding) keys used for publishing/binding, etc.


    In this directory, you'll see auto-generated schemas. "kapi.route" maps to "kapi_route.erl" for instance, and the 'req' payload.

    Should at least get you started, get a queue bound to AMQP for messages, and you can start inspecting things.

  3. If you built this from source, make sure all the deps/ built properly (should be listed in make/deps.mk). You can stop the release, do `make sparkly-clean compile build-dev-release` to clean everything out, fetch all deps, recompile everything, and build a development release. Then `make release` will start the dev release.

    Other things to check are that you're compiling with the correct version of Erlang (see make/erlang_version).

  4. If this is a new system, yes, KAZOO should initialize relevant databases and configure the default list of apps to start automatically.

    You'll want to bump log level (typically syslog) in /etc/kazoo/core/config.ini to debug, then restart the VM and see what happens, why the default apps weren't started. Could be a temporary issue too (though I routinely reset my database cluster for dev and don't have issues with the default apps starting).


  5. Are you looking for improved docs?



    Are you looking for live training where something is built and you have an instructor to bounce questions off of?

    What's lacking in the above docs that is preventing you getting started? Or what was unclear? Suggestions for improvement?

    While I understand live instruction can be a boon, it is also not the most scalable (only those attending really benefit). Would a video tutorial of the basics suffice?

    Any tutorials you've done in the past (videos or articles) that really nailed getting you started?

    Also, how to identify where you (generic you) are starting from is really hard. For instance, a recent post asking how to do things outside of SmartPBX led me to believe the person was familiar with cURL or postman which turned out to be a false assumption. I've led KAZOO installation and management trainings (designed for sysadmins familiar with Linux) where folks joined who only knew Windows (and not sysadmin-ing of Windows)...what should the trainer do in that situation? Identifying the prerequisite skills for a training, and communicating those to potential trainees isn't always easy. We assume a lot of our knowledge is known by others because "its obvious" or "how could someone *not* know this" :)

    All this to say, I would love to improve the ability for folks to get comfortable using the APIs, Pivot, websockets, etc. But I believe I'm too far gone from beginner status on those things that I don't know what you all don't know, if that makes sense :) So I'd love feedback on what's missing from the docs as well as concrete suggestions for what to add (those docs are all backed by git repos on Github - which again is an implicit assumption that someone with suggestions will 1. have a github account 2. be able to edit the doc in question 3. be able to submit a PR to change things).


  6. Hi Alex,

    First, I would recommend https://docs.2600hz.com/sysadmin/doc/install/install_via_centos7/

    I'm not sure if the powerpbx guide is still updated or not, but our guide covers similar ground and is updated as folks encounter issues. It is backed by a public Github repo as well for all to contribute.

    As for your issue, KAZOO (and most SIP setups) use the domain portion to figure out what account to associate with the caller. In your case, it is unlikely you created an account with a SIP realm of Kamailio's IP address. You will need to configure zoiper to use the SIP realm of the account and, if the domain doesn't resolve to Kamailio's IP address, you will need to configure zoiper to use an outbound proxy (or zoiper's equivalent) to point to Kamailio's IP.

    You can read https://docs.2600hz.com/user_guides/doc/manual_phone_config/zoiper/

    Might help; adjust realm and outbound proxy to your setup

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