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Everything posted by lazedo

  1. @Graham Nelson-Zutter yes, a param to s3 configuration handler is the way to go, and you'll also need the region if using v4, since v4 auth is "region" aware.
  2. @Graham Nelson-Zutter we have v4 implemented in the underlying aws library, but that was not used by our s3 attachment handler at the time of implementation. enabling v4 presents some challenges but i think it can be easily done, its a matter of prioritisation (or maybe someone wants to sponsor that). Best
  3. @Graham Nelson-Zutter it seems some aws regions only support v4 that requires different mechanism (AWS4-HMAC-SHA256) which requires a signature. my region is US West (Oregon) (but i'm in Portugal ) i've been working with this since 4.0.0
  4. hmm, seems like a missing dependency in the build. yes, i just did before the previous post. https://gist.github.com/lazedo/269ad7da4f6a585648afa79f2ed80f9d and i switch from aws & minio and they both work. the only difference that i see in the your configuration is the explicitness of "host": "{regional-AWS-S3-hostname}",
  5. there was an issue in mod_kazoo that prevented some events to get to ecallmgr. this is fixed in freeswitch 1.6.19
  6. you can try this, # kazoo-applications remote_console > hackney_trace:enable(80, "/tmp/hackney.log"). (do the call with recording enabled) > hackney_trace:disable(). ^C # cat /tmp/hackney.log just tried
  7. @Graham Nelson-Zutter must be something your doing differently, did you update and flushed the settings or restarted the node (to be really sure) ? it could also help if you capture the outgoing request to look at the effective headers being sent
  8. Hi, i use aws and minio without problems using secret key. the values are described in https://docs.2600hz.com/dev/applications/crossbar/doc/storage/ and https://github.com/2600hz/kazoo/blob/master/doc/blog/storage.md
  9. Hi Graham, this is a new issue for us, its been working without problem for aws and related like minio. you're sure you did configure security the right way ? Best
  10. i may be mistaken but, i think that any reference to media can be a SHOUTcast stream. maybe the UI didn't reflect this in all places ?
  11. you're almost there :) ...{"data":{"action":"auto"},"default_ringback_timeout":240000,"module"....     should be ...{"data":{"action":"auto","default_ringback_timeout":240000},"module".... the doc shows that the fields are under the "data" object
  12. so your answer is yes, a did belonging to another account, it goes offnet and comes back (stays onnet). make sure you set a hold music in advanced callflows, account settings in both accounts. but it deserves investigation after new year
  13. i just tested with siblings and resellers and it works as expected. just to be clear, you are dialing an offnet number belonging to your customer account, right ?
  14. Thanks for the clarification on your use case. is your account a sibling of your customer or are you using a reseller account ? (same question )
  15. Karl, i understand "This has always been the case for us" as in 3.22. in 4.0 this should work properly. if you call your customer and your customer puts you onhold, you should hear your customer hold-media. Logicwrath, can you try setting a custom hold-media to one subaccount and retry ? Thanks
  16. you need to subscribe to <*98><vm number> as described above.
  17. I just tested in production and its working. you can open a support ticket (include all details and samples) if its not working for you
  18. it should be. i'll look into this.
  19. Hi Guys, yes this is in 4.0 Best
  20. Hi, i see a valid use case for "extension to extension" dialing between accounts but not sure what you mean with "create and manage call flows with multiple accounts"
  21. it's on 3.22.60 which i believe is not yet deployed.
  22. i see what you mean. the voicemail in line type does not allow to set the extension http://image.prntscr.com/image/ce51ab9babdf4e3488afe8054cf82acd.png BUT...., FIY...., i just coded the feature to allow BLF subscriptions to vmboxes, uri should be <prefix><vm number> where <prefix> is account dependant with system default to *98 and <vm number> is vmbox number. so in my case *981013 would turn RED when there are new messages in vm 1013 and i can just press the key. i'll post an update when it becomes available.
  23. and you can't do that when programming the BLF ? i know that cisco spa5xx support this, but will see if that's something we can work out
  24. Thanks for the replies. so, MWI -> BLF (dialog) translation. would it be like signaling "answered" (RED) when there is a unread vm in the box ?
  25. can you please translate "VM subscription to BLFs" ? i don't understand what you're trying to do. the subscription type for a VM is always MWI.
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