I have a few suggestions for the Callflows user interface. Please let me know if there's a more appropriate place to share this types of feedback.
1. Searching for a callflow using the search feature will only return matched callflows that have been loaded in the browser. If there are a lot of callflows that haven't been loaded yet (because, they're lazy-loaded when the user scrolls down), the search will return no results even though there is a matching callflow. Ah - I just noticed that a button appears that says, "search on the server". Although that did work, it seems that searching on the server could be the default. If feels strange to have to say, "Yes, please search the server too." Who would be like, "Oh, it wasn't found in the browser? Ok, nevermind. Don't bother searching on the server. I give up." Ha ha ha.
2. Rearranging modules in a callflow via drag-and-drop would be a nice feature.
3. It seems impossible to add a module to the _middle_ of a callflow. For example, if I have a very simple callflow containing one module, the Pivot module, and I want to add a TTS module before the Pivot module, it doesn't seem possible. In order to achieve that, I'd need to first remove the Pivot module (which loses all of its settings), then add the TTS module, then add back the Pivot module.
4. If I add the Device module to a callflow, then select "Add a new device" (a Cellphone), clicking the green save button does nothing. By looking behind the scenes, an error is is generated that says, "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'media_id' of undefined. In order to successfully add a new device (Cell Phone), I had to use the Smart PBX app.