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Everything posted by tomas_

  1. We have developed a mobile app (iOS, Android, web browsers). Mostly for our own hosted Kazoo cluster (with some own features), but can be installed (by us) on any own-hosted Kazoo to change the most common features; change device settings, set caller ID, look at CDRs etc. It also have a dial function (callback, callthru) with Android intent / click-to-call. Contact me via PM if interested.
  2. Really nice! Glad to help in any way I can... Unfortunately I'm not very skilled in Erlang, but PHP, Javascript, CSS, HTML5. Bug testing also! If any interest, please PM me!
  3. A better idea to accomplish this might be to use Time of Day and/or Enable/Disable Time of Day?
  4. The Monster UI works rather good for me on mobile devices. However a "real" app is of course better... (like our Ionic app I mentioned)
  5. Also a while ago, but you might also be interested:
  6. Hi! A while ago now, did you found what you wanted? We're just finishing an Ionic app (hybrid/native for iOS, Android, web etc) for use with our hosted Kazoo platform. For now it can handle the basic user functions (CDRs, login/ out of ring groups, call forward etc), but also a function to dial from mobile through the PBX (calltrhu or callback) and push notifications (get a notice before your mobile is ringing, showing who's calling and where, before you answer). We've also developed a time based presence functionality ("The user you're trying to reach is in a meeting and will be available at 12:00" etc), available both from extensions and the app. If you're interested I might send you a demo? We're also based in Sweden, as the example you linked to (Guess you're from Denmark, right? ) Br - Tomas
  7. Probably a firewall issue...
  8. You can assign extensions to users without a main number...
  9. I don't know what you mean with directory? You can assign internal extensions to users (normally 3-4 digits), then users can call each other using this extension. If you want a call group you can use SmartPBX "Groups". A call group has an extension and contains one or more users.
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